


I'm your runaway love

mun sanavarasto on taas karttunuTorstai 16.12.2010 19:25

uudet ihanat sanat/lauseet joita käytän;;
siinä oli pari muuttujaa

tälläääneTorstai 16.12.2010 18:45

010 vuonna olen:
[x] Mesettänyt
[x] Laittanut jollekin sivustolle kuvia
[x] Rekisteröitynyt jollekin nettisivulle
[x] Matkustanut bussilla
[ ] ..lentokoneella
[x] ..autolla
[x] ..junalla
[ ] ..laivalla
[ ] Ollut ulkomailla
[x] Tilannut netistä jotakin
[x] Ladannut netistä jotakin
[x] Kuunnellut musiikkia
[x] Käynyt leffassa
[x] Katsonut leffoja
[x] Seurannut jotakin TV-sarjaa
[x] Juonut alkoholia
[ ] Ottanut lävistyksen
[ ] ..tatuoinnin
[x] Käynyt kampaajalla
[x] Värjännyt hiukseni
[ ] Muuttanut hiustyyliäni suuresti
[ ] ..pukeutumistyyliäni
[x] ..musamakuani
[x] Syönyt kakkua
[ ] Ollut riparilla
[x] Käynyt Hesessä
[x] ..Mäkissä
[x] ..muussa pikaruokalassa
[x] ..ruokakaupassa
[x] ..vaatekaupassa
[x] ..jossain muussa kaupassa
[/] Ihastunut
[ ] Rakastunut
[x] Saanut lahjaksi jotain kallista
[ ] Saanut kameran
[ ] ..TV:n
[ ] ..tietokoneen
[x] ..kännykän
[x] Puhunut tuntemattomille
[ ] Nähnyt onnettomuuden
[ ] Pyörtynyt
[x] Kompastunut
[x] Liukastunut
[x] Oksentanut
[x] Ollut kipeä
[ ] Sairastunut vakavasti
[ ] Murtanut jotain ruumiistani
[ ] Käynyt lääkärissä
[x] ..hammaslääkärissä
[ ] Joutunut sairaalaan
[ ] Ollut leikkauksessa
[x] Oppinut jotakin uutta
[x] Nolannut itseni
[x] ..monta kertaa
[x] Punastunut
[x] Tylsistynyt
[x] Nauranut
[x] ..itsekseen
[x] ..huonolle jutulle
[x] Itkenyt
[x] ..muiden nähden
[x] Vihannut
[x] Pelännyt
[x] Toivonut jonkun kuolevan
[ ] Tappanut
[ ] Yrittänyt tappaa jonkun
[ ] Kuristanut
[ ] Puukottanut
[ ] Raiskannut
[ ] Muuttanut kotoa pois
[x] Viettänyt synttäreitäni
[x] ..nimppareitani
[x] Ollut häissä
[ ] ..ristiäisissä
[x] ..hautajaisissa
[ ] Vaihtanut koulua
[ ] ..ylä-asteella
[ ] ..lukiossa
[ ] ..amiksessa
[ ] ..töissä
[x] Saanut kokeesta alle 8
[x] ..alle 6
[x] ..yli 8
[ ] ..10
[x] Nukahtanut tunnille koulussa
[x] Saanut uusia kavereita
[ ] Riidellyt kaverini kanssa
[x] Huutanut kaverilleni
[ ] Katkaissut välini johonkin kaveriin
[ ] ..sukulaiseen
[x] Pilannut jotakin
[x] Rikkonut jotakin
[/pienen ja seki sytty kahvikupis :D] Sytyttänyt tulipalon
[ ] Soittanut hätänumeroon
[ ] ..vahingossa
[ ] Soittanut poliisit
[ ] Paennut poliiseja
[x] Odottanut joulua
[x] Odottanut uutta vuotta
[x] Toivonut, että tämä vuosi olisi jo ohi
emminä vittu tiedä! :D

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.12.2010 01:02

09. A band you wish hadn't broken up.
10. A band that's like a family/best friend to you.
11. A band you miss.
12. A band from your state or area.
13. The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
14. Someone in or related to a band that you wish you could be.
15. A band you think about a lot.
16. The band that heals your broken hearts.
17. A band who you misjudged by first impression.
18. The band that has helped you through your worst times.
19. The friendliest band member you've met.
20. The band that has had the most influence on your life.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.12.2010 01:00

08. A band you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
09. A band you wish hadn't broken up.
10. A band that's like a family/best friend to you.
11. A band you miss.
12. A band from your state or area.
13. The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
14. Someone in or related to a band that you wish you could be.
15. A band you think about a lot.
16. The band that heals your broken hearts.
17. A band who you misjudged by first impression.
18. The band that has helped you through your worst times.
19. The friendliest band member you've met.
20. The band that has had the most influence on your life.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.12.2010 00:56

07. A band or a band member you wish you could meet.
08. A band you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
09. A band you wish hadn't broken up.
10. A band that's like a family/best friend to you.
11. A band you miss.
12. A band from your state or area.
13. The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
14. Someone in or related to a band that you wish you could be.
15. A band you think about a lot.
16. The band that heals your broken hearts.
17. A band who you misjudged by first impression.
18. The band that has helped you through your worst times.
19. The friendliest band member you've met.
20. The band that has had the most influence on your life.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.12.2010 00:52

06. A band you used to hate but now love.
07. A band or a band member you wish you could meet.
08. A band you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
09. A band you wish hadn't broken up.
10. A band that's like a family/best friend to you.
11. A band you miss.
12. A band from your state or area.
13. The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
14. Someone in or related to a band that you wish you could be.
15. A band you think about a lot.
16. The band that heals your broken hearts.
17. A band who you misjudged by first impression.
18. The band that has helped you through your worst times.
19. The friendliest band member you've met.
20. The band that has had the most influence on your life.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.12.2010 00:50

05. A band you've recently heard of.
06. A band you used to hate but now love.
07. A band or a band member you wish you could meet.
08. A band you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
09. A band you wish hadn't broken up.
10. A band that's like a family/best friend to you.
11. A band you miss.
12. A band from your state or area.
13. The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
14. Someone in or related to a band that you wish you could be.
15. A band you think about a lot.
16. The band that heals your broken hearts.
17. A band who you misjudged by first impression.
18. The band that has helped you through your worst times.
19. The friendliest band member you've met.
20. The band that has had the most influence on your life.
emmä haluu laittaa tähän mitään ku en haluu ettii niitä kuvia netistä :(
oon niin söpö et alkaa väkisinki hymyilyttäään ::) wq