


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

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Mistake in a system without a goal.Torstai 06.05.2010 17:48

- The utter lack of intelligence in the world is a frustrating and interesting matter. But on the other hand, we haven't been here for that long, really. Haven't had the time to evolve, what with the religious oppression and so on.
I blame it all on greed.
If there was no greed in the world, just imagine the place.
No people trying to tell you what to think for their own benefit.
No religious conversions, no money-hungry politicians, nothing.
That's the thing we ought to be after. Greed. Just find that thing in our gene-pool and erase the fuck out of it.
That is the only reason why an utopistic world can never exist. Because we can't get rid of greed.
Maybe one day with a combination of science and spiritualism we can, but that's ages away, and we just might kill ourselves before that day ever comes.
Ain't it funny?
People are opposed to evolution and progress, really.
By nature, most of us are.
And because democracy is the most common political stance in the world...
Combined with the fact that most people in the world are opposed to evolution and progress...
It's going to take way longer for the ratio of intellectual people vs idiots to tilt around than it will take for the idiots to destroy the whole fucking world.

- So basically, we're fucked.

- Yup. But I don't mind. We're just another species on the planet, anyway. The planet's gonna be here long after we're gone, and no one's going to remember us.
We're just gonna be another awkward mistake that nature did. : D
And awkward mistakes are better left forgotten.

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