


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

BulletsSunnuntai 03.01.2010 04:51

If something has to change
Then it always does

You don't need this disease
Not right now

If something has to give
Then it always will

Would you fall down?
You don't need this disease
You won't fall down.

2010Lauantai 02.01.2010 06:42

Tulette yllättymään.

PalapeiliPerjantai 01.01.2010 21:26

Kivat liskot oli.

pfftTiistai 29.12.2009 02:18

...and that is why I fail.

Rakas päiväkirjaMaanantai 28.12.2009 06:25

Arvaa mitä?


"Take it away, I never had it anyway."

BabelTiistai 22.12.2009 18:48

Tervolan huudeilla kokista imen ja kuuntelen ku joku vaihtaa vaippoja joltai toukalta D: aäbäl.

: DDDD <3Torstai 17.12.2009 23:38

You grew on me like a tumour
And you spread through me like malignant melanoma
And now you're in my heart
I should've cut you out back at the start

Now I'm afraid thereÂ’s no cure for me
No dose of emotional chemotherapy
Can halt my pathetic decline
I should've had you removed back when you were benign

I picked you up like a virus
Like meningo-fucking-coccal meningitis
Now I can't feel my legs
When you're around I can't get out of bed

I've left it too late to risk an operation
I know there's no hope for a clean amputation
The successful removal of you
Would probably kill me too

You grew on me like carcinoma
Crept up on me like untreated glaucoma
Now I find it hard to see
This untreated dose of you has blinded me

I should've consulted my local physician
IÂ’m stuck now forever with this tunnel vision
My periphery is screwed
Wherever I look now, all I see is you

When we first met you seemed fickle and shallow
But my armour was no match for your poison arrow
You are wedged inside my chest
If I tried to take you out now I might bleed to death
IÂ’m feeling short of breath

You grew on me like a tumour
And you spread through me like malignant melanoma
I guess I never knew
How fast a little mole can grow on you

Pian kuusi vuotta elämää.Torstai 17.12.2009 05:47

"I believe in the madness called 'Now'
Time goes flowing, breaking my heart
Wanna live
Can't let my heart kill myself
Still I haven't found what I'm looking for

Art of life
I try to stop myself
But my heart goes to destroy the truth
Tell me why
I want the meaning of my life
Do I try to live?
Do I try to love?

Art of life
An eternal, bleeding heart
You never wanna breathe your last
Wanna live
Can't let my heart kill myself
Still I'm feeling for
A rose is breathing love
in my life"

2009Keskiviikko 16.12.2009 03:42

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