F stands for "fucktard", "fuckface", "fuckwhore" and "fart".
It also stands for the vocalist of a well-known gay-emoband, EMOS (Emotional Mothers of Serbia), who also happens to be everything mentioned above.
F is known for spreading and destroying incredible amounts of lulz and writing supposedly "deep and intellectual" lyrics which are actually secret code-messages for the massive scientology-army that lies in wait.
He's also been identified as a close childhood-friend of the Pedobear, Cockmongler and his daddy, Oprah.
Several studies have shown that F likes hanging out with emos and getting repeadetly goatzed/kanchoed by them. He's also your mom.
If you'd like to meet him, you're both suicidal and perverted - though you can easily do this by summoning the five gods of Shoop Da Whoop and by shitting in front of his dead carcass at night while chanting the lyrics of the Fall Out Boy-song "This ain't a city, it's a goddamn ass-face".