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voi pylyLauantai 23.06.2007 18:51

nii no sitä vaa että maanantaina on ajokoe ni.

jej :)Keskiviikko 13.06.2007 13:32

Teoriakoe läpi :)
25.6 Ajokoe :o

ahahaLauantai 19.05.2007 20:24

Tero nousi elämään maailmaan eräänä räntäisenä iltapäivänä. Kaukaa näki että hänestä tuli sekasikiö.. Perhe oli keskiluokkainen ja he söivät vain jätteitä. Koulussa hän pärjäsi hyvin, siellä häntä rakastettiin.

Jo opiskeluaikoina häntä alkoi ihastuttamaan pakettiautot, niinpä ajankuluksi tuli hevoset.

Tero kehittyi viidennelläkymmenellä varsin viisaaksi. Päähänsä hän sai liilat hiukset, sekä vihreät silmät.
Rukkasista päätellen hän oli erikoisen naurettava. Lempiruokaansa hernekeittoa hän sai työskennellen ihmeenä.

Tero ei tupakoi mutta käyttää nuuskaa joka lauantai. Alkoholia hän juo olohuoneessa.

Hän sai itselleen puolison jonka kanssa meni naimisiin.

Sen pituinen se.

Trashed and ScatteredKeskiviikko 16.05.2007 11:23

Trashed and scattered again, I'm feelin' so low
You waste breath while fuckin' with me, my blood is so cold
My destination is always unknown, I'll find my way to hell
but you Goddamn Motherfuckers always wasting my time

I won't be the victim, but the first to cast a stone
Sedated nights to the bar room fights a metropolis takes its toll
And don't you try to stop me, it's a place you'll never know
Don't try to judge or take shots at me, I'll never let you seize control

Play your game, and walk away, your integrity don't mean shit
Crawl on me you fucking parasite, and I'm gonna take you out

Label me, that's fine, I'll be somebody else (Nothing in front of me but holes ahead)
Lie about my life, have a story to tell (Lights went down, was on the edge and I fell)
Oh you're so insightful, let me remind you to twist and break me, should make you worried (Long way to go and you're
right there)
Two-faced liar, don't try and know me, deceit brings fire, makes sure you can't breathe (Pick at pieces of my body below)

I never bothered with all the rumors, too much garbage (all the same)
I'll stand right here, come on you falsehood deceitful liar (There's no shame)
Don't ever take my side, I know you're never right, I'll justify the means (Nothing's what it seems)
I'll stand around and fight, but there's no point tonight, been chained to this machine

daaMaanantai 14.05.2007 00:12

siinähä vittu teette yheksäs minuutis maaleja kolme ni saatte kultaa saatana

omgSunnuntai 13.05.2007 23:18


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.05.2007 22:57

Well I wish there was someone
Well I wish there was someone to love me
When I used to be someone
and I knew there was someone that loved me
as I sit here frozen alone
even ghosts get tired and go home
as they crawl back under the stones

And I wish there was something
please tell me there's something better
and I wish there was something more than this
Saturated loneliness

and I wish I could feel it
and I wish I could steal it
abduct it, corrupt it
but I never can, it's just
Saturated loneliness

Does the silence get lonely
Does the silence get lonely
Who knows?
I've been hearing it tell me
I've been hearing it tell me, "go home"
'cause the freaks are playing tonight
they packed up and turned out the lights
And I wish there was something
please tell me theres something better
and I wish there was something more than this
Saturated loneliness

and I wish I could feel it
and I wish I could steal it
abduct it, corrupt it
but I never can, it's just saturated loneliness

and the bathwaters cold
and this life's getting old

and I wish I could feel it
and I wish I could feel it
and I wish I could steal it
abduct it, corrupt it
and I wish I could feel it
and I wish I could steal it
and I wish I could feel it
abduct it, corrupt it
but I never can,
I never can
never can
never can
never can

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.05.2007 17:25

Somebody falls in love, somebody breaks a heart
We never fell in love, we only fell apart
I'm getting lonely, I need somebody to hold me
I thought I'd never miss her
She cut me out of her pictures

Take a look at the world around you
Can you see the desperation?
Take a look at the world around you
Can you see the life your living?

Somebody tells the truth, somebody lives a lie
I can see right through, the story is in your eyes
I know what they're saying, there is no need for explaining
There will be nothing better than when I burn all your letters

Take a look at the world around you
Can you see the desperation?
Take a look at the world around you
Can you see the life your living?

Take a look at the world around you
Can you see the desperation?
Take a look at the world around you
Can you see the life your living?

We never fell in love we only fell apart
We only fell apartÂ…
So we pick up the pieces and put 'em together
We said this was gonna last forever
Pick up the pieces and put 'em together
We said this was gonna last forever

Take a look at the world around you
Can you see the desperation?
Take a look at the world around you
Can you see the life your living?

We never fell in love we only fell apart!
We never fell in love we only fell apart!

Somebody falls in love, somebody breaks a heart
We never fell in love, but we only fell apart
Somebody falls in love, somebody breaks a heart
We never fell in love, but we only fell apartÂ…