


Says; I'm not gonna crack.

Bushman - No 1 Else<3Tiistai 02.10.2007 18:13

Oh oh oh I, I don't need no one else but you in my life
Even if I try I can't work it out
I'm longing no 1 else but you in my life
Number 1.

Push my feeling, push my feeling
Push it up, push it up, push my feeling (2x)
Follow me now lovers, follow me now boys and girls
Follow me now, follow me now
Follow number 1. (2x)

Oh oh oh I, I don't need no one else but you in my life
Even if I try I can't work it out
I'm longing no 1 else but you in my life
Oh oh oh I, I just wanna be with you
Cause I know the things we do
I just wanna be with you.

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