missä maassa se asuu? USA? PANAMA? MEXICO???
"hello. is this mr. michael scofield? I was just wondering if you could help me with my problem..? no, I don't need to break out from anything, I just wanted to know.. could you teach me to do that origami swan you used to do in prison break? yes, that one.. Should I come there or are you coming here? Or can you send the instruction via e-mail? Oh, you're coming to finland tomorrow? That's fine! Hey by the way, my friend wants me to send greetings for you. Yes, it's Mariella! How did you know? oh, I see.. So you know us? What??? Have you been watching us? Oh.. So we are your best fans..? And you were just coming to finland to see us? Wow, that awesome! wait a second, I just need to send a message to Mariella, so she knows to be ready.. okay, I just send that. How is Linc by the way? That's nice to hear. Okay, I think that was all, so we see tomorrow, so see you then. bye"