
:) nothing much...Lauantai 19.12.2009 00:34

[1] Nauranut

[2] Hihitellyt koko tunnin

[3] Puhunut kaverille..

[4] ..Niin että opettaja on joutunut huomauttamaan

[5] Kiljunut

[6] Haukkunut opettajaa päin naamaa

[7] Riehunut

[8] Lähetellyt lappuja

[9] Ollut tekemättä tehtäviä, joita olisi pitänyt tehdä

[10] Luntannut

[11] Ajatellut mukavia

[12] Vastannut opettajan kysymykseen ”En tiedä”

[13] Vastannut opettajalle ”Häh?!”

[14] Saanut jälki-istuntoa <-- :DD:D:D

[15] Heitetty ulos luokasta

[ ] Siirretty takapulpetista eteen häiriköinnin takia

[16] Laulanut

[17] Viheltänyt

[18] Jupissut itsekseen

[ ] Rummuttanut jaloilla häiritsevästi

[19] Kommentoinut opettajan tekemisille

[20] Vaeltanut luokassa

[21] Repinyt tärkeitä papereita

[22] Keikkunut tuolilla

[23] Kaatunut tuolilla

[24] Piirtänyt pulpettiin

[25] Piirtänyt koulukirjoihin/vihkoihin

[26] Hajottanut jotakin

[27] Kiroillut

[28] Näyttänyt kieltä

[ ] Häirinnyt oppituntia tahallasi

[29] Joutunut puhutteluun <-- :DD:D:D

[ehkä on pientä muistikuvaa..] Häipynyt kesken tunnin ilman lupaa

[30] Lukenut saapuneen tekstiviestin

[31] Tekstannut

[32] Puhunut puhelimessa

Elämä.. :DKeskiviikko 16.12.2009 22:55

Jeiii tiistaina kivaa kiitos sulle ^-^ paree nähä useemminki >;)
ja kui joku lahjan ostaminen voi olla ´nii saatanan vaikeeta D: varsinki ku henkilöt joille pitäis ostaa ni ei osaa sanoo mitä haluu tai tarvii (8<

jeiii maanantaita odotellessa :D !!Perjantai 11.12.2009 16:02

Vihdoin :D muhahahahaaa ;D

Roy HOMO PERKELe!!Keskiviikko 02.12.2009 23:46

Tuun ampuun sun korvas täytee luoteja !! vitun pleijjjjjjeriiiii!! aSD

A Sad Story.Lauantai 28.11.2009 22:28

Once upon a time there was a girl who fell in love with a handsome and sweet boy. They spent a wonderful time together until the boy's interest focused on second thoughts and the boy began to distance himself from the girl. The girl saw the boy's isolation and was alarmed. The boy did not spent a longer time with the girl and the girl was lonely. Time passed and the girl finally wiped out of boy's memories. Girl depressed. The girl he fell into a deep loneliness and depression. She moved out of the area because of the memories dragged the girl's heart and she could no longer be there.

Several months later when the boy was found itself a new girl, lonely girl went to this old abandoned home and found there appeared mirror. Girl went too the mirror and there she saw far way a lonely boy. The boy looked exactly like the girl loved. Girl walked in the mirror and ran to see the boy. The girl ran and ran until the boy have disappeared. The girl cried and cried until he saw the mirror outside the same boy, but the company of another girl. the girl felt jealousy and walked closer to the edge of the mirror.

When the boy went to into another room, the girl took the boy's loved and dragged he into the mirror and walked out of the mirror until she found out that it was the boy's house. Girl walked in the room where the boy was.The girl tried to touch the boy but the boy did not seem to felt the touch. After that the girl noticed that she was just a soul without a body. She desappeared off, crying.

The boy went back to the room where he thought the second girl was. At the room he noticed a missing girl and wondered where did the girl disappeared. He waited for many months, but noticed that the girl has no longer to contact him. The boy became angry to the girl and fell into a depression. Many months later the boy began to think about the past and wondered what did he forgot then...

402 ♥ ikävä ;(Torstai 19.11.2009 18:22

näin unta mein riparist siitä ku oltiin pulkkamäes ja leikittiin ponileikkii ja kaikist niist muistakin ihanista jutuista ja tuli kamala ikävä teitä ihmiset ;((( ♥

possuflunssa (Y)Torstai 19.11.2009 16:25

no eipä ollu silti kauheen paha :D 15.11.2009 22:51

Ouin so yhkam fru kiynt sa frah ed'c kaddehk tyhkanuic. Ouin so sunveh fru dygac so byeh yfyo. Oui so meddma dattotayn fru sygac sa rybbo frah e lyh rik ed yht dra mycd Ouin so meddma bibbo fru sygac saa vaam haatat yht ev e cusatyo muca dryd meddma bibbo e lyh'd ajah esykeha dra byeh uv mucehk cusadrehk cu esbundyhd du sa ♥