


My heart is just too dark to care about yu.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 08.02.2009 19:02

I can't escape this hell
So many times I've tried
But I'm still caged inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself

So what if you can see
The darkest side of me
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal

I can't escape myself,
So many times I've lied,
But there's still rage inside,
Somebody get me through this nightmare,
I can't control myself.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 08.02.2009 00:39

The world we knew
Won't come back
The time we've lost
Can't get back
The life we had
Won't be ours again.

Pe 6.2.09. <3Lauantai 07.02.2009 19:18

Oli muuten eilen aika huippuilta, ihan saatanan hauskaa, apiksen keikka oli hyvä. <33
Taisin kylläkin olla aika tuiterissa. :'DD
Tanssimaanki uskaltauduin ja sittenhän siel oli melkein meidän koko porukka tanssii. :D
Myös paljon uusia tuttavuuksian löyty. :DDD
Ja melkei tappiin asti oltiin baarissa ja nukkumaan puol 6 aikaan
ja aamulla ihana krapula. :D
Kiitokset ihanille ihmisille mukavasta illasta. <33

Uujee!Tiistai 03.02.2009 23:19

Perjantaina Apulannan keikalle Varkauteen. <3
Liput 16e, ei paha hinta ku kaikenlisäks on k18.
Alotellaan rantasalmella ottaa pohjia ja sitte lähetää Varkauteen. :)

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 03.02.2009 00:23

'Cause I'm not a pawn for you to play in your fucking game.

Because your nightmares might seem like they're your reality.

So fuck you I'll make my own plan.

The little bitch she went and she told, a lie.

But you'll never be free,With a gun to your head, Just pull the trigger.

I think they never liked you anyway, you dead.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 02.02.2009 12:55

Katoin muute vkl:na taas yli-ihanan elokuvan Australian. <33
Suosittelen, oli tosi hyvä leffa. :)

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 02.02.2009 12:54

I remember you're the reason I have to stay there. <33

It's just a couple of the million things,That I love about you.<33

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.02.2009 23:17

I don't need no heaven or hell
but it's alright as long as you're in my heart.<33

Paramore- DecodeTorstai 29.01.2009 20:28

How can I decide what's right
When you're clouding up my mind?
I can't win your losing fight
All the time

Not gonna ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride
No, not this time
Not this time

How did we get here?
When I used to know you so well
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know how

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out
On my own
(I'm screaming, "I love you so")
On my own
(But my thoughts you can't decode)

Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools
Of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools
Of ourselves

How did we get here?
I used to know you so well, yeah yeah
How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well
I think I know
I think I know

There is something I see in you
It might kill me
I want it to be true.

Tästä tulee aina mieleen leffa Twilight-Houkutus. <33 Ehkä vähään aikaan parhain
leffa mitä kattonu oon ja jatko-osaa tiedossa pakko nähä. <3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 28.01.2009 20:30

1v 11kk 4pvä. <33