


My heart is just too dark to care about yu.

evanescence- anywhereTorstai 26.07.2007 23:02

Dear my love, haven't you wanted to be with me
And dear my love, haven't you longed to be free
I can't keep pretending that I don't even know you
And at sweet night, you are my own
Take my hand

We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning light
We'll be halfway to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name

I have dreamt of a place for you and I
No one know who we are there
All I want is to give my life only to you
I've dreamt so long I cannot dream anymore
Let's run away, I'll take you there

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you now

Evanescence-Give Unto MeTorstai 26.07.2007 23:01

I've been watching you from a distance
The distance sees through your disguise
All I want from you is your hurting
I want to heal you
I want to save you from the dark

Give unto me your troubles
I'll endure your suffering
Place onto me your burden
I'll drink your deadly poison

Why should I care if they hurt you
Somehow it matters more to me
Than if I were hurting myself
Save you (save you)
I'll save you

Give unto me your troubles
I'll endure your suffering
Place onto me your burden
I'll drink your deadly poison

Fear not the flame of my love's candle
Let it be the sun in your world of darkness
Give unto me all that frightens you
I'll have your nightmares for you
If you sleep soundly

Give unto me your troubles
I'll endure your suffering
Place onto me your burden
I'll drink your deadly poison

Fear not the flame of my love's candle
Let it be the sun in your world of darkness
Give unto me all that frightens you
I'll have your nightmares for you
If you sleep soundly

Fear not the flame of my love's candle
Let it be the sun in your world of darkness

Evanescence - Anything for youTorstai 26.07.2007 00:09

I'd give anything to give me to you
Can you forget the world that you thought you knew
(If you want me) If you want me
(Come and find me) Come and find me
(Im right here) Nothings stopping you
So please release me

I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe
Close your eyes
I'll be anything for you

Nothing left to make me feel any more
Theres only you and every day I need more
(If you want me)If you want me
(Come and find me)Come and find me
(I'll do anything)I'll do anything you say just tell me

kertosäe (2x)

Anything for you....

I'll become your earth and sky
Forever never die
I'll be everything you need

kertosäe (2x

Evanescence - Sweet sacrificeSunnuntai 15.07.2007 19:42

It's true, we're all a little insane
But its so clear
Now that I'm unchained

Fear is only in our minds
Taking over all the time
Fear is only in our minds but its taking over all the time

You poor sweet innocent thing
Dry your eyes and testify
You know you live to break me- don't deny
Sweet sacrifice

One day I'm gonna forget your name
And one sweet day, you're gonna drown in my lost pain


You poor sweet innocent thing
Dry your eyes and testify
And oh you love to hate me don't you, honey?
I'm your sacrifice.

I dream in darkness
I sleep to die
Erase the silence
Erase my life
Our burning ashes
Blacken the day
A world of nothingness
Blow me away

Do you wonder why you hate?
Are you still too weak to survive your mistakes?


kesä -07. <33Perjantai 13.07.2007 18:36

joo oon ollu koht viikon hollolas. <33
nyt oon hanna-pauliinan luona. :DD ja me pidetään potter- maratooni. :D katotaan kaikki 4 potterii putkeen. :D
no välil pitää kyllä käydä röökil. :'DD
ostin tiistaina ihanat 12cm korkuset korkokengät jossa on pääkalloja, niitten kaa oon 180cm pitkä. :D
ens viikol on puustock eli sinne siis ja sitä seuraavalla viikolla on pyhä olavin-päivä. :'DD eli ryypiskelyä riittää. :D
ja ostin sulkavan souduilta "hevosenkenkä" lävistyskorun ja otin tapin pois ja vaihoin sen siihen. :D

O.C:n persoonat.Maanantai 02.07.2007 20:38

[ ] Isoveljeni on varas
[ ] En asu kotona
[ ] Äitini on juoppo
[x] Joudun aina tappeluihin
[x] Ajattelen muita enemmän kuin itseäni
[ ] Olen paennut Mexikoon

[x] Olen ongelmanuori
[ ] Isäni on "paennut" merille/toiseen maahan
[ ] Vanhempani ovat eronneet
[x] Minulla on pikkusisko
[x] Paras kaverini on brunette

[ ] Olen nörtti
[] Olen hauska omalla tavallani
[ ] Äitini käy naistenkokouksissa
[] Pidän pelaamisesta

[x] Olen luontorakas/eläinrakas
[x] Pidän käydä partuis
[x] Minulla on pupu
[ ] Isäni on rikas
[ ] Minulla ei ole enää samaa "parasta ystävää" kuin vuosi sitten

Julie Cooper
[x] Kauneusleikkaukset on ok
[x] Mielumpi nuori, kuin vanha mies
[ ] Raha ennen rakkautta
[ ] Juonin
[ ] Minut tunnetaan onnettomista miessuhteistani

Kristen Cohen
[ ] Olen kaikille ystävällinen ja joskus se uuvuttaa minut
[x] Minulle alkoholi on ongelma
[ ] Olen ollut yllätysjuhlissa
[ ] Olen harrastanut joogaa
[ ] Olen huono laittamaan ruokaa

Sandy Cohen
[ ] Haluan ammatin, jossa saan auttaa ihmisiä
[x] Voisin adoptoida lapsen
[ ] Minulla on paksut kulmakarvat
[x] Minulla on omasta mielestäni hyvä huumorintaju
[x] Nostelen kulmakarvojani(hih :D)

Kaitlin Cooper
[ ] Olen tullut äitiini
[x] Nauran "wannabeille ja dorkille"
[x] Muiden mielipiteillä ei ole minulle väliä
[ ] En tee itse läksyjäni
[x] Olen joskus jäänyt siskoni varjoon

[x] Olen läheisriippuvainen
[ ] Olen kuulunut joskus oppilaskunnan hallitukseen
[x] Päästän suustani sammakoita
[] Pidän eteläeurooppalaisista miehistä
[x] Minut ymmärretään usein väärin

marissa, summer, sandy cohen, kaitlin cooper ja taylor. mulla on 5 eri persoonaa. :D

Within Temptation-It's the fearMaanantai 11.06.2007 22:59

It waits for the day I will let it out.
To give it a reason, to give its might.

I fear who I am becoming,
I feel that I am losing the struggle within.
I can no longer restrain it,
my strength it is fading,
I have to give in.

(It's the fear)
Fear of the dark
It's growing inside of me,
That one day will come to life.
(Have to save)
To save my beloved,
there is no escape,
because my faith is horror and doom.

Hold down your head now,
just let me pass by.
Don't feed my fear,
if you don't want it out.

I fear who I am becoming,
I feel that I am losing all beauty within.
I can no longer restrain it,
my strength it is fading,
I have to give in.


Long ago it came to me
and ever since that day,
infected with its rage
but it ends today.

Give me strength to face the truth
The doubt within my soul
No longer I can justify
The bloodshed in his name

Is it a sin to seek the truth, the truth beneath the rose?
Pray with me so I will find the gate to Heaven's door
I believed it would justify the means
It had a hold over me

Blinded to see
The cruelty of the beast
Here is the darkest side of me
Forgive me my sins

The field of my dreams
Deceived all I have seen
Forgive me for what I have been
Forgive me my sins

Pray for me 'cause I have lost my faith in holy wars
This paradise denied to me 'cause I can't take no more

Has darkness taken over me
Consumed my mortal soul?
All my virtues sacrificed
Can Heaven be so cruel?

I believed it would justify the means
It had a hold over me
Forgive me my sins



I'm hoping, I'm praying
I won't get lost between two hearts
Follow a sin
The truth lies in between

Give me the strength to face the wrong that I have done
Now that I know
The darkest side of me

How can blood be your salvation
And justify the pain
That we have caused throughout the times

Will I learn what's truly sacred
Will I redeem my soul
Will truth set me free


The field of my dreams
Deceived all I have seen
Forgive me for what I have been
Forgive me my sins)

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.06.2007 23:22

Katsele kuva-albumiani ja valitse sieltä yksi parhain/hauskin/kaunein kuva joka on
mielestäsi ylitse muiden tai vaan paras. Siis vain yksi kuva ja linkitä se päiväkirjaani.

Sen jälkeen lisää tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi ja katso, mistä kuvasta muut pitävät eniten.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 31.05.2007 00:14

I wanna thank you
in such a special way
for the time you spend
with me in my life
real good moments
'cause without you I could
never survive
believe me, it is true
I just wanna thank you.<3