


Imma do just what I want, lookin’ ahead no turnin’ back. If I fall if I die know I lived it till the fullest.

YeaLauantai 03.04.2010 17:21

He opens up my door and
I get into his car and he says
you look beautiful tonight.
And I feel perfectly fine.

But I miss screaminÂ’ and fightinÂ’ and kissinÂ’ in the rain
and its 2am and IÂ’m cursinÂ’ your name.
YouÂ’re so in love that you act insane
and thatÂ’s the way I loved you.

And I never knew I could feel that much.
And thatÂ’s the way I loved you.

He canÂ’t see the smile IÂ’m fakinÂ’.
And my hearts not breakinÂ’

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