Oh, my permission to scream.
It's him lying there under my skin.
Just give me a pill, or another sip,
woah, now I'm losing my grip.
Go, get out of my way;
I'm tired of wasting "just another day".
Something in your smile says it all,
I'm ready to let go, and I'm ready to fall.
Oh, my permission to sin,
just give me something to get rid of him.
I'm tired of hearing just a little white lie,
oh, now there are tears in my eyes.
No, not another love trip,
tempting to scream-I'm biting my lip.
I'm saying the words that I've always known,
but now, these words have grown.
Oh, my permission to sin,
just give me something to get rid of him.
I'm tired of hearing just a little white lie,
when I look into your eyes,
..I don't see mine..