-atleast 10 t-shirts
-camera plug
-school bag
-cosmetics :P
-my favourite hat :(
-my key
-my friends... i had to carry 3 in my bag.. esim manna

-6b yearbook :(.................
BUT! i can come get them the next time we're there...... which is in.......... hmm... about 7 months.. i think?! for holiday :) and atleast i took my finnish sim card with me so i can use it with the new phone i got :P
but still.....
PATHETIC <--- thats my new word. I'm pathetic!! i feel pathetic! if i could, id make a hit. lyrics, melody and all. then record it and get myself famous :D (along with D and Rockstar). But I cant do that. Pathetic, eh? PATHETIC! and im pathetic enough to leave. why would i want to come back here? the power goes off 17 hrs a day. prices have risen like crazyyy! i dont have an ethiopian sim card yet, so i cant call any of my old friends.. facebook doesnt work at school! so i can only read what ppl write, but i cant reply.. :( im left without a guitar for atleast 16 more days! ofcourse, we've been looking for houses, and we found this one house, thats like a palace! its beautiful! id never seen anything like it! my moms thinking about buying it. and its only 2,500 $ ! not much :) only problem is, its so far from my school that we're going to have to get a driver, AGAIN! cuz i cant walk from aaaaall the way there :(
so yeah.. im at school now, stealing their internet access cuz we dont have wireless in the house we're at now.. oh! and i got a puppy! her name was Bella, but we changed it to Ilona! shes soo cute! well... she was until we found out that she.. is a he :P .. so we gotta get a new name then :P
so thats the life in the world of lost civilization. :) just so you know