


is a hippy for life :) or so my bro said :D

lallallallallaaaaaMaanantai 10.08.2009 17:22

have you heard the song Cry me a river ? by justin timberlake?

yes, yes! i miss finland! i know i should! i know i do! i miss all my friends! i miss the guy i hated so much at first that he became my friend. i miss my bro! my grandpa! my school! our appartment! I MISS CHARLIEEE &lt;sydän&gt; !!!! but ofcourse...... if i didnt miss finland, i wouldnt know just how much i loved it! u never know what u got till its gone <rakas> or well... i knew what i had :) but i miss it now!&lt;suru&gt;

lallallallallaaaaaSunnuntai 09.08.2009 18:30

have you heard the song Cry me a river ? by justin timberlake?
ITS STUCK IN MY HEAD &lt;kieli&gt;

yes, yes! i miss finland! i know i should! i know i do! i miss all my friends! i miss the guy i hated so much at first that he became my friend. i miss my bro! my grandpa! my school! our appartment! I MISS CHARLIEEE &lt;sydän&gt; !!!! but ofcourse...... if i didnt miss finland, i wouldnt know just how much i loved it! u never know what u got till its gone <rakas> or well... i knew what i had :) but i miss it now!&lt;suru&gt;

..Tiistai 04.08.2009 14:13

Things i forgot to finland :(
-atleast 10 t-shirts
-camera plug
-school bag
-cosmetics :P
-my favourite hat :(
-my key
-my friends... i had to carry 3 in my bag.. esim manna &lt;pusu&gt;
-6b yearbook :(.................

BUT! i can come get them the next time we're there...... which is in.......... hmm... about 7 months.. i think?! for holiday :) and atleast i took my finnish sim card with me so i can use it with the new phone i got :P

but still.....

PATHETIC <--- thats my new word. I'm pathetic!! i feel pathetic! if i could, id make a hit. lyrics, melody and all. then record it and get myself famous :D (along with D and Rockstar). But I cant do that. Pathetic, eh? PATHETIC! and im pathetic enough to leave. why would i want to come back here? the power goes off 17 hrs a day. prices have risen like crazyyy! i dont have an ethiopian sim card yet, so i cant call any of my old friends.. facebook doesnt work at school! so i can only read what ppl write, but i cant reply.. :( im left without a guitar for atleast 16 more days! ofcourse, we've been looking for houses, and we found this one house, thats like a palace! its beautiful! id never seen anything like it! my moms thinking about buying it. and its only 2,500 $ ! not much :) only problem is, its so far from my school that we're going to have to get a driver, AGAIN! cuz i cant walk from aaaaall the way there :(
so yeah.. im at school now, stealing their internet access cuz we dont have wireless in the house we're at now.. oh! and i got a puppy! her name was Bella, but we changed it to Ilona! shes soo cute! well... she was until we found out that she.. is a he :P .. so we gotta get a new name then :P

so thats the life in the world of lost civilization. :) just so you know

..Tiistai 04.08.2009 14:13

Things i forgot to finland :(
-atleast 10 t-shirts
-camera plug
-school bag
-cosmetics :P
-my favourite hat :(
-my key
-my friends... i had to carry 3 in my bag.. esim manna &lt;pusu&gt;
-6b yearbook :(.................

BUT! i can come get them the next time we're there...... which is in.......... hmm... about 7 months.. i think?! for holiday :) and atleast i took my finnish sim card with me so i can use it with the new phone i got :P

but still.....

PATHETIC <--- thats my new word. I'm pathetic!! i feel pathetic! if i could, id make a hit. lyrics, melody and all. then record it and get myself famous :D (along with D and Rockstar). But I cant do that. Pathetic, eh? PATHETIC! and im pathetic enough to leave. why would i want to come back here? the power goes off 17 hrs a day. prices have risen like crazyyy! i dont have an ethiopian sim card yet, so i cant call any of my old friends.. facebook doesnt work at school! so i can only read what ppl write, but i cant reply.. :( im left without a guitar for atleast 16 more days! ofcourse, we've been looking for houses, and we found this one house, thats like a palace! its beautiful! id never seen anything like it! my moms thinking about buying it. and its only 2,500 $ ! not much :) only problem is, its so far from my school that we're going to have to get a driver, AGAIN! cuz i cant walk from aaaaall the way there :(
so yeah.. im at school now, stealing their internet access cuz we dont have wireless in the house we're at now.. oh! and i got a puppy! her name was Bella, but we changed it to Ilona! shes soo cute! well... she was until we found out that she.. is a he :P .. so we gotta get a new name then :P

so thats the life in the world of lost civilization. :) just so you know

in ethiopia!Sunnuntai 02.08.2009 17:17

no electricity..
no water..
even though theres this huge storm outside..
rainy season ends mid september..
it was snowing in the morning :( ..

jee thanks mom! -.-"

BEST FRIENDS FOREVERPerjantai 31.07.2009 00:52

When you laugh, I laugh,
When you cry, I cry
When you're hurt, I'm hurt,
When you smile, I smile,
When you fight, I fight,
When you jump of a bridge..
.. I get a paddle and save your retarded ass!


JESSSSS :PTorstai 30.07.2009 02:34

Jos saat yli 10 oot vitun nolo ihkugaltsuteini.

( ) laitan meikki/peitevoidetta huuliin
(x) valkosta luomiväriä/kajalia silmän sisäkulmaan
(x) wesc, lacoste, puma
(x) blurraan kuvii
( ) tupeeraan hiuksii
( ) vitusti hiuslakkaa
( ) gallerianickissä `´-merkki (esim. jenna`)
( ) gallerianickissä kingi/jau/moi/jou/-si/daa/asd (esim. jennakingi, jennasi)
( ) sensuroin kuvii rasteilla tai blurrilla
(x) ommaan kuvia
( ) siviilisääty näkyvissä mutta ikä ei
(x) ihkuboksissa kavereiden nimiä
( ) vako kulmakarvoissa
( ) käytän kangaspantaa
(?) poseeraan otsa rypyssä ja huulet törröllä, jos huppari niin hupusta kiinni
(x) burberry/burberryfeikki kaulahuivi
(x) raportoin aina galtsublogiin jos on ollu tosi hauskaa kavereiden kaa
(x) ja merkinnässä kiitetää kultsei<3
(x) sivujakaus
(/ ) venytän konsonantteja, esim. jjjust, mmmoi, vaikk, muttt

© sampo ja sara<33 (= lallallaaaTiistai 28.07.2009 03:21

(suurin osa kyll teki sampo ku mä tein vaa ne vikat sanat ! <xD> )

Oh, my permission to scream.
It's him lying there under my skin.
Just give me a pill, or another sip,
woah, now I'm losing my grip.
Go, get out of my way;
I'm tired of wasting "just another day".
Something in your smile says it all,
I'm ready to let go, and I'm ready to fall.
Oh, my permission to sin,
just give me something to get rid of him.
I'm tired of hearing just a little white lie,
oh, now there are tears in my eyes.
No, not another love trip,
tempting to scream-I'm biting my lip.
I'm saying the words that I've always known,
but now, these words have grown.
Oh, my permission to sin,
just give me something to get rid of him.
I'm tired of hearing just a little white lie,
when I look into your eyes,
..I don't see mine.. &lt;sydän&gt;

oihh )';Tiistai 28.07.2009 03:18

Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.
And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows
I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.
And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
'Tomorrow' I say! 'I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him.'
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.
Around the corner, yet miles away,
'Here's a telegram sir,' 'Jim died today.'
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.
Ps. Remember, a simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight ! (=

oihh )';Tiistai 28.07.2009 03:05

Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.
And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows
I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.
And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
'Tomorrow' I say! 'I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him.'
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.
Around the corner, yet miles away,
'Here's a telegram sir,' 'Jim died today.'
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.
Ps. Remember, a simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight ! (=