~Angel without wings~
When you are an angel
You are up there
In Heaven
You are the best thing of all
Everyone loves you
God love you
Everyone want to be with you
All the people want to be with you
Everyone accept I
I do not like you
I hate your wings
I will never be with you
When you loose your wings
No one look at you any more
Everyone hate you
God kick you out of Heaven
Everyone accept I
I love you
But only when you are without wings
I am your only friend
But I know I should love you
With and without wings
I just can not
I hate those wings
They are a sign of innocence
And no one is innocent
Not you
Not God
And the halo is disgusting
Another sign of innocence
That does not mather
Nothing really mather
Because we are all same kind of persons
No mather if we are black or white
Long or short
We are all the same
So why do someone want to raise someone
Over all the other
No one is an angel
No one is a devil
I know, crap, as usual... I have started to go to deep and then it is only crap that I'm publishing..