
Thinking... Perjantai 05.10.2007 00:31

The other day I was reading a blog of a girl who has been to Finland... and she wrote some thoughts about finnish people.
She said she noticed that finnish people.. have like.. melancholic eyes.. but not in a bad way. :) like.. something special, something very nice. :)
She wrote that she could see some melancholy though their eyes..

It's just one of her random thoughts.. but.. boh.. I've tried to think about it... and I had like the impression I felt the same... I've tried to imagine again the eyes of the people I saw there.. some particular expressions...

Lol, it makes a bit laugh.. probably this girl and me are just mad. XD
Maybe no one will understand what I mean... but I understand it.. :D

Ok.. I'm really tired.. mum is keeping saying i've rings under my eyes... :((( I need to sleeep...

... That's all... and.. mmm let me finish with..


E' nato !!Tiistai 02.10.2007 20:18

Awwwwwww, my cousin was born 2 days ago !! 3,810 kg !
My little Christian.. sooo cutee... awwww <333
It was such an emotion to see him at the hospital. :)
Finally a male cousin !! I was tired of those two crazy little girls, hihi :P

Ok, with this happy news, I come back on my chemistry book. What a wonderful thing ! :/


Testtttttttttt ! :D Sunnuntai 30.09.2007 19:13

everyone puts tests here... it's time for me too. :D
i found this one on a blog.

1. Where are you now ? In my room.

2. Can you see a phone right now? Yes, my mobile phone

3. What are you listening to? Nothing.

4. Where is it coming from? ...

6. What was the last thing you saw on TV? News.

7. Who was the last person other than family you saw? My mum's friend.

8. Are labels/stereotypes good? It depends.

9. what were you doing at 4:30 pm yesterday? I was compelling about pain at my right kidney. :(

10. Song stuck in your head? Shut up and drive, Rihanna... and... "Lapponia" from an old Eurovision XD Last night I watched again that video on Youtube.. and the rhytm is in my head nowwww..

11. Acoustic or Electric guitar? I don't know XD

12. Do you dance while getting ready for whatever? Not really :/

14. What is the greatest number of people you've been in front of? Boooh O.o Maybe when I was still in primary school and we had a big show with all the teachers, parents, relatives...

16. Have you ever taken a shower while you were drunk or high? I've never been drunk, so...

17. Do you like techno? Naaah.. I'm not a fan.

18. Have you ever been to a night club? No.

19. Who was the last person you texted? Adelaide

20. Have you ever made out on a plane? Buhauahau, NO !! :D

21. Do you have leadership skills? Not really..

22. Can you play an instrument? I used to play the flute XD

23. Have you ever sat on a roof and looked at stars? No.. :-O

24. Who are you missing most right now? My finnish friendsss, buuuh :(((

25. Does the song Stairway To Heaven make you sad? I don't know this song. :(

26. Do you have any instruments in your room? I should still have the flute somewhere. :D

27. Whats your favorite flavor of vitamin water? Mmm, I dunnoooo.. something with orange, ace, applepine..

28. Are you currently pregnant/have you recently gotten someone pregnant? Nooo I'm not prrrrregnaaaant XD But my aunt will give birth soon. <3

29. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? No. :D

30. What scent are you wearing right now? I'm horrible. -.- Some random clothes just to stay at home.

31. Are there any animals around you at the moment? No.. I'm dog is in the kitchen with my mum.

34. Last person you told you loved? There's time to say it XD

35. Last person who told you they loved you? See above. :D

36. Favorite time of day? Late afternoon..

37. Favorite video game? The Sims

38. Favorite foods? Pizza, pasta.. :D

39. Do you like spiders? Of course I like them -.- BLEEEEEEEEAH

40. Cat person or dog person? Dog person. Bau, bau!

41. Got a job? Nuuu. :(

43. Tan or pale skin? In summer I'm another person :D

44. You're deserted on an island, what do you have with you? My laptop, my camera, and some papers.

47. Did you have a New Years kiss? Nooo.

48. What do you want the most right now? Feel better and go again to Finland :D

49. Do you want children? Maybe, in the future :)

50. Are you a lover or a fighter? Boh.

Name: Serena
Birthdate: 29/08/90
Birthplace: Biella
Current Location: Biella
Eye Color: Brown and some green at the sun.
Hair Color: Dark grown
Height: ... I just say in Finland I'm considerated a small girl. :'(
Weight: FUCKKKKKKKK. boh, around 55 Kg
Piercings: Nooo.
Tatoos: Nooo..
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No.
Overused Phraze: Si si, no no XDXDXD well..
Food: Pizza, pasta, strawberries :D karjalanpiirrat or how you write it.XD
Candy: anything :D
Number: I dunnooo.
Color: Blueee, white, violet.
Animal: Dog, dolphin.
Drink: Coca cola, Jaffa <3 , Lemonade :d
Alcohol Drink: Champagne XD
Bagel: Every kind.
Letter: S.
Body Part on Opposite sex: Shoulders, eyes, nose and smile. :D
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Mansikat for life.
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice tea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Both. :D
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: I dunno O.o
Summer or Winter: Summer... and I'm sure I'd love winter if only I were in Finland. :D
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Both :D
Love or Money: Love.
Bedtime: Late. It always depends.
Most Missed Memory: ..When I realised I was really in Finland... and... some moments with friends.
Best phyiscal feature: Boh XD I don't know.
First Thought Waking Up: Nooo, school -.-
Goal for this year: Finish this year school still alive... XD
Best Friends: Edoardo, Gabriela.
Weakness: everything foreign. <333
Fears: Death , snakes.
Heritage: Umh ?
Longest relationship: -
Ever Drank: Some champagneeee :D
Ever Smoked: No.
Pot: No.
Ever been Drunk: No.
Ever been beaten up: No.
Ever beaten someone up: No.
Ever Shoplifted:
Ever Skinny Dipped: No.
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: During "spin the bottle" XDDDD
Been Dumped Lately: -
Favorite Eye Color: Blue.
Favorite Hair Color: It dependsssss...but.. mmm light light light blondeeee .
Short or Long: the hair? Medium :D
Height: Normal. :D Not too thin, not too fat. :D Swimmer body is just perfect. <3
Style: Casual XD
Looks or Personality: Personality.
Hot or Cute: Cuuute.
Drugs and Alcohol:
Muscular or Really Skinny: Middle way. :D
Number of Regrs in the Past: Eh ?
What country do you want to Visit: Finlanddddd.. again :D Then Scandinavian countries..
How do you want to Die: Fuck you.
Been to the Mall Lately: No..
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes :D
Get along with your Parents: Yeah..
Health Freak: Uh?
Do you think your Attractive: Absolutely not in this moment.
Believe in Yourself: Yeah...
Want to go to College: Yes, but somewhere very very far from here.
Do you Smoke: No.
Do you Drink: No.
Shower Daily: Yes.
Been in Love: Just some stupid crushes!
Do you Sing: It's better if I don't. :D
Want to get Married: Maybe.
Do you want Children: Maybe. :)
Have your future kids names planned out: Stefania, Roberto... and I don't knowww.
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: When it is worth it ?!?! :D
Hate anyone: Some teachers -.-

..Sunnuntai 30.09.2007 04:34

Bene, ho deciso di farmi male stasera... E riguardare le foto della Finlandia...


Buh :-((( Sunnuntai 30.09.2007 01:33

Shit, I've never felt like that. O.o
Worst feeling ever.

I've some problems with my right kidney [ I had to find this word :D ]
It hurts so much. :(

And I still don't feel well... I hope I will get better soon.

Aaaaah, a mix of songs by my fave italian artist. <3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 26.09.2007 00:41

Che palle .... Abolite la fisica e la matematica, please. Io non ci capisco più niente.
Non sono così scema, però non le capisco proprio... Mi sembra di impazzire quando le devo studiare. Oggi mi veniva da mettermi le mani tra i capelli davanti al quaderno di mate... e mi veniva pure da piangere. O.O sono pazza, rinchiudetemi in un manicomio.

voglio andarmene da 'sta scuolaaaaaaaaaaa ...........





Le parole d'ordine !!!!!!! :D

... 25 Luglio... me ne tornavo a casa dalla Finlandia...
Sono già passati 2 mesi... :-/

Leave me alooooone, lalalalalalaLauantai 22.09.2007 20:55

Wowwwww, this laptop is super !!!!!!
It's sooo fast!!
I'm downloading so many songsssss !
Some songs I heard when I was in Finland...

Right now I'm listening to "Leave me alone" from Eurovision. I like this song sooo much.
The singer has such a strong voice... Aaaaaah. <3

Leaveeee me alone, I wanna go homeeeee ....

... Sembra un buon periodo questo... boh, che l'oroscopo abbia ragione? Ahahaah.
E pensare alla Finlandia fa male, si.. ma forse un po' meno..
Ma no che dico... E' sempre lo stesso... :-/

Elämä on. :-)

Thanks Finland !!!!Lauantai 22.09.2007 01:45

Ooooooook, first of all, I want to say I'm writing with a laptop !! Yayyyy ! It's so cool !
I'm in the kitchen right now... with wireless!!!

Sooo, today I had the speaking part of the entry test.
I'm really satisfied. :-)
I did a nice figure.
I understood everything the examiner said.
Firstly she asked me and my friend ,who was having the exam with me, if we had been with school in London, in September.
So my friend talked a bit, and then I started saying : Actually I didn't go to England, but I did something special, too. I went to Finland 2 weeks in July !
And then I started to tell about it.... Wowwww :D It's just what I wanted! I felt so sure of myself and all. :-)
The teacher was quite surprised and then she asked me how english spoken by finnish people is... :) She knew of course that almost all the finnish people can speak a bit of english... So she said that it's completely different from Italy.. :-(
I told her about the fact that my friend spoke english perfectly and that I had been told to have a strong italian accent... and she said that she had heard many students before me, this afternoon.. and my pronounciation was pretty good !!! Awwwww, satisfaction !!!
Then, she asked my friend what were her plans for the university.. in which town she would like to go...
Then it was my turn, and the teacher looked at me, laughing and she said: Sooo, I suppose you'd like to go to university in Finland ?!?!?
Waaah :D Of course I started to say yes, and blablabla.. and then she even gave me some advise :-O like.. that if I wanted to attend university abroad I should take a special certificate exam, and that the one I'm going to take it's not enough... She even told me that I could call her in case I needed something :-O
In the end, I can say I'm almost sure I will be admit in the course :D My "performance" in speaking was good, and I think also the other parts should have gone well. Yayyyyyyyy !!!

Bye bye

Ps: It's too funny at school... I taught some finnish words to my friend and he always starts to shout something like perkele, vittu... but also serious words. :D
Yesterday we were in a sort of bar... to have lauch... and I said : OLEMME RAVINTOLASSA !!!
It's right !!! I'm so proud !! :D and this morning I told him to say "we're at school".. saying that school is "koulu"... of course it's OLEMME KOULUSSA !!!! :)
And right now... OLEN KOTONA JA OLEN VäSYNYT!!! :(((

Falling asleep...Keskiviikko 19.09.2007 23:06


NON CE LA FACCIO PIùùùùùùùùùùùùùù!

Today. School.
8 - 13
14 - 16.30

.. I was almost falling asleep in the last hours...

Too tiring.

.. And tomorrow that bitchy woman, better known as my physics teacher will call some of us at the blackboard for some oral tests.
So now I'm studying this awful subject... trying to memorise these weird stuff.


Plus, in the afternoon I'm having the entry test for FCE and I MUST pass it.
It's something I really care to do... I'll keep my fingers crossed... and maybe during the oral I will say something about Finland, if they ask me something concerning travelling. :D

Uuuuuh, ok... see you tomorrow, with the updates. :D

... Tiistai 18.09.2007 22:50


I've just found my first posts in this forum, about Finland..

Omg, it's great to read what I wrote one year presentation and a post about flight tickets... where I asked if it was a crazy idea for a 16 yeard old girl to go alone in Finland.. and if there were some direct flights Milan-Kemi XD XD XD XD I was sooo ignorant, now I'm such an expert. <3 :D

8-) 8-)

And I wanted to sign with a finnish word.. and I decided "kuu*"... LOLLLLLLL !

... I would have never thought that after a year, I would have been here, thinking that I've been to Finland. :-O *_*

Uffffffffffff... school sucks.