


Finlands-Svensk Föffaaan!!!


- Vanhemmat »

<3 love this song <3Sunnuntai 06.04.2008 13:53

You're there by my side
In every way
I know that you would not forsake me
I give you my life
Would not think twice
Your love is all I need believe me

I may not say it quite as much as I should
When I say I love you darling that means for good
So open up your heart and let me in
And I will love you 'til forever
Until death do us part we'll be together
So take my hand and hold on tight
And we'll get there
This I swear

I'm wondering how I ever got by
Without you in my life to guide me
Where ever I go the one thing that's true
Is everything I do I do for you

I may not say it quite as much as I should
When I say I love you darling that means for good
So open up your heart and let me in
And I will love you 'til forever
Until death do us part we'll be together
So take my hand and hold on tight
And we'll get there
This I swear

So whenever you get there
Just reach out for me
I'll never let you down my love

And I will love you 'til forever
Until death do us part we'll be together
So take my hand and hold on tight
And we'll get there
This I swear

And I will love you 'til forever
Until death do us part we'll be together
So take my hand and hold on tight
And we'll get there
This I swear

LÃ¥ll.. msn snakkKeskiviikko 02.04.2008 23:14

ALE sanoo:
ni haa int nettiseksiä me rade?
**I 'never' had a dream come true untill the day i found you** 10 days left sanoo:
**I 'never' had a dream come true untill the day i found you** 10 days left sanoo:
ALE sanoo:
**I 'never' had a dream come true untill the day i found you** 10 days left sanoo:
ha int kekka påå hu de fungerar
ALE sanoo:
nå om man funderar så e d väl så att båda gör på sig själv å så
**I 'never' had a dream come true untill the day i found you** 10 days left sanoo:
mmmh.. nå joo... kanske dee
ALE sanoo:
sen säger rade "uuuh antonia, ja kommer snart"...å sen du "aaah rade ja e oxå nära"
ALE sanoo:
mm han e en rätt så kååt gammal gubbe
10 days left sanoo:
kanske de.. men han e min gamla kåta gubbe i såfall
ALE sanoo:
d ju d
ALE sanoo:
sa just åt honom att han måst hitta på någo å göra åt dig
10 days left sanoo:
hu så
ALE sanoo:
nä du ha så tråkit
10 days left sanoo:
nååh.. månne de inte blir ändring på det ;P
10 days left sanoo:
tills i morgon ...
ALE sanoo:
mm....dick in a box
10 days left sanoo:
mmmh... ;P
10 days left sanoo:
..."aaah rade ja e nära"

ALE sanoo:
"men antonia ja haa int ens börja ännu"

29-30 i 3Sunnuntai 30.03.2008 18:49

now all there is is tears... you made those tears.. i loved you, you loved me.. sorry i lied... i still LOVE you and you know it.. so where does all this pain come from? how can it hurt this much.. I tought you were serious about this, about us!! Dont forget about me.. im still here.. but I won't be forever

BESVARA!!!Perjantai 01.06.2007 20:31

1.Mikä on numeroni?
2.(a) Luuletko,että menen joskus naimisiin?:
(b) Jos luulet,niin kenen kanssa?:
3.Milloin on syntymäpäiväni?:
4.Kuka on paras ystäväni?:
5.Missä tapasimme??:
6.Oletko koskaan uneksinut minusta?:
7.Jos voisit muuttaa yhden asian minussa,mikä se olisi?
8.Kuvaile minua 3-5:lla sanalla:
9.Jos voisit sanoa minulle vain yhden asian,ennen kuin kuolen,
mikä se olisi?
10.Jos voisit kysyä mitä tahansa minulta,mitä kysyisit?:

jöKeskiviikko 24.05.2006 22:58

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- Vanhemmat »