
Selaa blogimerkintöjä

sinulla ei ole elämää. (x)Sunnuntai 03.10.2010 17:28

Jos olet nähnyt seuraavassa listassa olevista
elokuvista yli 70 sinulla ei ole elämää.
( ) Sinussa on se jokin
(75) Harry Potter: Viisasten kivi
(74) Harry Potter: Salaisuuksien kammio
(73) Harry Potter: Azkabanin vanki
( ) Harry Potter: Liekehtivä pikari
( ) Harry Potter: Feeniksin kilta
( ) Harry Potter: Puoliverinen prinssi
( ) Mr. and Mrs. Smith
( ) The Mexican
( ) Nemoa etsimässä
(72) Aladdin
(71) Aladdin Jafarin paluu
(70) 101 Dalmatialaista
(69) Leijonakuningas
(68) Leijonakuningas 2
( ) Ocean's eleven
( ) Ocean's twelwe
( ) Spy Game
(67) Fight Club
( ) Meet Joe Black
( ) Thelma & Louise
(66) Grease
( ) Seitsemän yötä Tiibetissä
( ) Pirates of the Caribbean: Mustan helmen kirous
( ) Pirates of the Caribbean: Kuolleen miehen kirstu
( ) Pirates of the Caribbean: Maailman laidalla
( ) Troija
( ) Starsky and Hutch
(65) Saw 1
(64) Saw 2
(63) Saw 3
(62) Saw 4
( ) Saw 5
( ) Saw 6
(61) Moulin Rouge
(60) Scream
(59) Scream 2
(58) Scream 3
(57) The Grinch
( ) American Pie
( ) American Pie 2
(56) American Pie: The Wedding
( ) American Pie: Band Camp
( ) American Pie: Naked Mile
( ) American Pie: Beta House
( ) I, Robot
(55) Teksasin moottorisahamurhaaja
( ) Men in Black
( ) Men in Black 2
( ) The Village
( ) Along Came Polly
(54) Forrest Gump
( ) Deep Impact
( ) The Terminal
( ) Halloween
(53) The Ring
(52) The Ring 2
( ) Space Jam
(51) Chigaco
(50) Riku Rikas
( ) The Day After Tomorrow
(49) Taru Sormusten Herrasta: Sormuksen ritarit
( ) Taru Sormusten Herrasta: Kaksi tornia
( ) Taru Sormusten Herrasta: Kuninkaan paluu
( ) Ten Things I Hate About You
( ) Just Married
( ) Painajainen Elm Streetillä
(48) Titanic
(47) Romeo & Julia
( ) Tiedän mitä teit viime kesänä
( ) Independence Day
( ) Bad Boys
( ) Bad Boys 2
(46) ET
(45) Yksin kotona
(44) Yksin kotona 2
(43) Yksin kotona 3
(42) Yksin kotona 4
( ) Mio poikani Mio
( ) Katto Kassinen
(41) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
( ) Calendar Girls
(40) Mean Girls
(39) Catch Me If You Can
( ) Spider-Man
( ) Spider-Man 2
( ) The Fifth Element
( ) Air Force One
( ) Sound of Music
( ) Terminaattori
(38) Terminaattori 2
(37) Vanilla Sky
(36) Addams Family
( ) The Holiday
(35) Ace Ventura
(34) Valehtelija, valehtelija
( ) Hevoskuiskaaja
( ) 8 mile
( ) Die Hard
( ) Eurotrip
(33) Deep Blue Sea
( ) Casper
( ) Alexander
( ) Save the Last Dance
( ) Pretty Woman
(32) Melkein julkkis
( ) Uneton Seattlessa
( ) Top Gun
( ) Sairaan kaunis maailma
( ) Cast Away
( ) Wicker Park
( ) Kuka sanoo tahdon?
(31) Vuosi nuoruudestani
(30) Madagascar
(29) Madagascar 2
( ) Shrek
( ) Shrek 2
(28) Shrek 3
( ) Shrek ja ikuinen onni
( ) Viimeinen Samurai
( ) Kimpassa
( ) Fucking Åmål
(27) Saksikäsi Edward
( ) Vihreä maili
(26) Amelié
( ) The Truman Show
( ) Pelikaanimies
( ) Hitman
(25) Pelastakaa sotamies Ryan
( ) Austin Powers
( ) Austin Powers: Agentti joka tuuppasi minua
(24) Austin Powers: Kultamuna
(23) Blues Brothers
(22) Blues Brothers 2000
(21) Aristokatit
(20) Piano
( ) American Beauty
( ) Hymypoika
(29) Pahat Pojat
( ) Sooloilua
( ) Tummien perhosten koti
( ) Rööperi
(28) P.S I love you
( ) American Gangster
( ) Harold & Kumar-Escape From Guantanamo Bay
(27) Pitkä kuuma kesä
( ) Honey
( ) Notting Hill
( ) Little Miss Sunshine
( ) Raise Your Voice
(26) Blondin kosto
( ) Blondin kosto 2
(25) Kummelin kultakuume
( ) Morsian karkuteillä
(24) Karhuveljeni Koda
( ) Karhuveljeni Koda 2
( ) Herrasmiesliiga
(23) Pieni suklaapuoti
( ) Villi tusina
( ) Villi tusina 2
(22) Kauna
(21) Kauna 2
( ) Kauna 3
(20) Helmiä ja sikoja
(19) FC Venus
( ) Erin Brochowich
(18) Ihmeperhe
(17) Kellopeliappelsiini
(16) King Arthur
( ) Koirankynnen leikkaaja
(15) Heinähattu ja Vilttitossu
( ) Dancer in the Dark
(14) Lapsia ja aikuisia
( ) Unbreakable
(13) Jali ja suklaatehdas
(12) Kill Bill
(11) Kill Bill vol. 2
(10) I am Sam
(9) Boys don't cry
( ) Syksy New Yorkissa
( ) Kuutamolla
( ) Asterix ja Obelix - Tehtävä Kleopatra
( ) Asterix ja Obelix vastaan Caesar
( ) Asterix ja viikingit
( ) Asterix olympialaisissa
( ) Tähtivieras Dave
( ) Shutter Island
( ) Frankenstein
( ) Kaverini mahtava Joe
( ) K-18
( ) Hide and Seek
( ) Hain tarina (Shark Tale)
( ) Röllin sydän
(8) Rölli ja metsänhenki
( ) Shrooms
( ) Aavelaiva (Ghost Ship)
( ) Olimme sotilaita
(7) Häjyt
( ) Paholainen pukeutuu pradaan
(6) Pikkunaisia
( ) Sex and the City
(5) Kukkia ja sidontaa
(4) Kielletty Hedelmä
( ) Another gay movie
(3) Alice in wonderland ( Tim Burton )
( ) Twilight - Houkutus
( ) Twilight - Uusikuu
( ) Twilight - Epäilys
(2) Lupaus
( ) Up - kohti korkeuksia
( ) Ice age
( ) Ice age 2
(1) Ice age 3
( ) Muppettien aarresaari

na-na-naTorstai 30.09.2010 23:24


laadin reseptiksi gilmoren tyttöjä, karkkia ja vähän pelaamista.

spoon river anthology - george grayMaanantai 20.09.2010 02:22

"sisällön etsiminen elämälleen voi johtaa mielettömyyksiin,
mutta elämä ilman sisältöä on kidutus,
pysyvä levottomuus ja hämärien toiveiden taakka.
se on laiva, joka kaipaa merelle ja kuitenkin pelkää."

- edgar lee masters

i'm a man of means by no meansPerjantai 10.09.2010 01:33

50 aamua :


101 aamua :


king of the road.

doesn't have a title or a plotTorstai 09.09.2010 01:12

kesästä asti lukusaldo:

• astrid lindgren - ronja ryövärintytär
• boris pasternak - tohtori zhivago
• netta muskett - valkea kyyhky
• anna-leena härkönen - heikosti positiivinen
• robert bloch - psyko
• daniil harms - ensiksikin ja toiseksi
• mary shelley - frankenstein
• albert camus - sivullinen
• kenneth grahame - kaislikossa suhisee
• arno kotro - sanovat sitä rakkaudeksi
• p.l. travers - maija poppanen
• pat conroy - vuorovetten prinssi

tällä hetkel kesken:
alexandre dumas - monte criston kreivi
vladimir nabokov - lolita


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.08.2010 03:59

I am a morning person.
I am a perfectionist.
I am an only child.
I am Catholic.
I am currently in my PJs.
I am currently pregnant.
I am currently suffering from a broken heart.
I am left handed.
I am married.
I am addicted to MySpace.
I'm shy around the opposite sex.
I bite my nails.
I currently regret something I have done.
When I get mad I curse.
I donÂ’t like anyone.
I enjoy country music.
I enjoy jazz music.
I have a car.
I have a cell phone.
I have a pet.
I have at least one brother or sister.
I have been to another country.
I have been told that IÂ’m smart.I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humour.
I have had a broken bone.
I have changed a lot over the past year.
I have had surgery.
I have killed another person.
I have had my hair cut within the last week.
I have had the cops called on me.
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldnÂ’t.

I have mood swings.
I have rejected someone before.
I have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I have watched Sex and the City.
I like Shakespeare.
I love to cook.
I love Michael Jackson.
I love sleeping.
I love to shop.
I miss someone right now.
I own over 100 CDs.

I own over 100 DVDs.
I own and use a library card.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time.
I sleep a lot during the day.
I strongly dislike math.

I think Britney Spears is pretty.
I will try ALMOST anything once.
I work at a job that I enjoy.
I can name all seven dwarfs from Snow White.
I am currently wearing socks.
I am tired.
I am currently waiting for someone.

I lost contact with someone.
I hate Miley Cyrus.
I think Party In The USA is catchy.
I'd date Harry Potter.
I can name all the past presidents of the United States.
I know who was president before George Bush.
I love pickles.
I need the internet to live.
I prefer vanilla over chocolate.

I watched Star Trek.
I watched all six movies of Star Wars.
I own an Xbox.
I think music is life.

Acceptance. Coldplay. Dave Matthews Band. David Bowie. Foo Fighters. Hellogoodbye. The Killers. James Blunt. Teddy Geiger. Linkin Park. Muse. Ok Go. Panic At The Disco. Peter Bjorn And John. The Postal Service. Timbaland. Jack Johnson. Norah Jones. Drake. The Fray. The Wreckers. Michael Bublé. Beyoncé. Metallica. Massive Attack. Queen. Journey. The Cars. Supertramp. Eurythmics. Sublime. The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Wu-tang Clan. Fergie. Sarah McLachlan. Band of Horses. John Mayer. Jason Mraz. Justin Timberlake. Michael Jackson. Kenny Chesney. Carrie Underwood. Lynyrd Skynyrd. Neil Young. The Beatles. Brad Paisley. Tim McGraw. Taylor Swift. P.Diddy. Jay Z. Lil’ Wayne. Lil’ Jon. Three 6 Mafia. Nelly. Young Joc. T.I. Sean Paul. 50 Cent. Eminem. Eiffel 65. Ace of Base. The Underdog Project. Dream Theater. Santana. Alicia Keys. Incubus. Victor Wooten. Ludacris. Gorillaz. Matchbox 20. Paramore. Say Anything. Taking Back Sunday. Eric Clapton. The Darkness. Weezer. The Eagles. Jimi Hendrix. Maroon 5. Billy Joel. Reel Big Fish. Anberlin. Mae. Family Force 5. AC/DC. Hootie and the Blowfish. Electric Six. Outkast. R.E.M. The White Stripes. Prince. Mika. Crystal Castles. Britney Spears. Spice Girls. The Gossip. Lady GaGa. Eagles. Nirvana. Smashing Pumpkins. Third Eye Blind. Metro Station. All Time Low. Motion City Soundtrack. The Rocket Summer. Tenacious D. Something Corporate. The Moldy Peaches. Macy Gray. Mandy Moore. Plain White T’s. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. My Chemical Romance. Fall Out Boy. We the Kings. The Rolling Stones. Angels & Airwaves. The Beastie Boys. Black Eyed Peas. Boys Like Girls. Jonas Brothers. Demi Lovato. Selena Gomez. The Cure. Cobra Starship. Death Cab for Cutie. Deftones. Team Sleep. Filter. Goo Goo Dolls. Honor Society. Katy Perry. Kid Cudi. Tokio Hotel.

Pride and Prejudice. Glory Road. The Princess Bride. Goonies. Center Stage. OceanÂ’s Eleven. Se7en. Newsies. 300. Robin Hood Men In Tights. Love Actually. Garden State. Donnie Darko. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. My Best FriendÂ’s Wedding. Anchorman. Drop Dead Gorgeous. Wedding Crashers. Elf. Zoolander. Austin Powers. Clueless. Mean Girls. Hairspray. Moulin Rouge. Fight Club. Rocky. Pulp Fiction. What A Girl Wants. Kill Bill. Thank You For Smoking. Little Miss Sunshine. Requiem for a Dream. The Departed. Dawn of the Dead. Memento. The Lovely Bones. 17 Again. 8 Mile. Office Space. Snakes on a Plane. Boondock Saints. Say Anything. The Silence of the Lambs. Saving Private Ryan. Superbad. The Prestige. Just Friends. The Devil Wears Prada. Under the Tuscan Sun. Titanic. Steel Magnolias. Saw. Ace Ventura. SheÂ’s the Man. Because I Said So. Catch and Release. Music and Lyrics. Spanglish. Stick It. Step Up. The Fast and the Furious. Joyride. Halloween. The Italian Job. Crash. Must Love Dogs. The Last Kiss. Chicago. Harry Potter. Rush Hour. Breakfast at TiffanyÂ’s. Clerks. Shooter. The Bourne Identity. Meet the Parents. Dirty Dancing. Rudy. National Treasure. Sleepless in Seattle. Miss Congeniality. The Science of Sleep. The Matrix. Everything is Illuminated. Good Will Hunting. Bill and TedÂ’s Excellent Adventure. Empire Records. Phantom of the Opera. Lord of the Rings. Click. Scarface. District 9. The Notebook.

ER. GreyÂ’s Anatomy. Saved by the Bell. Man vs. Wild. Scrubs. South Park. AmericaÂ’s Next Top Model. Gossip Girl. Sex and the City. Friends. DawsonÂ’s Creek. The Big Bang Theory. Seinfeld. Lost. Miami Ink. Made. Arrested Development. That 70Â’s Show. Family Guy. The Simpsons. The Office. Veronica Mars. Project Runway. Bones. Iron Chef. Alias. Pushing Dasies. Gilmore Girls. The Colbert Report. The Daily Show. Mythbusters. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Will and Grace. 24. House. To Catch A Predator. Whistler. Heroes. Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Unsolved Mysteries. 7th Heaven. Everybody Loves Raymond. Boston Legal. Bleach. What I Like About You. Reba. King of Queens. Survivor. The O.C. American Idol. Days of Our Lives. How I Met Your Mother. CSI. Boy Meets World. Law and Order. Numbers. Reno 911. I Love New York. Step by Step. Little People Big World. What Not To Wear. My Wife and Kids. Moonlight. Supernatural. Ace of Cakes. White Collar. Nip/Tuck. The Biggest Loser. Beauty and the Geek. Battlestar Galactica. Stargate SG1. The Inferno. Scarred. Wild N Out. Real World. Trinity Blood. Dead Like Me. Whose Line is it Anyway?. Dragon Ball Z. Futurama. Firefly. Medium. Star Trek. X-files. Cowboy BeBop. Sailor Moon. My Name is Earl. Six Feet Under. Dancing With The Stars. Degrassi. Greek. Glee. Secret Life of the American Teenager. The Hills. Laguna Beach. Vampire Diaries. 90210. Desperate Housewives

thanks for the memoriesSunnuntai 11.07.2010 16:08

happiness only real when shared

you've got friend in meTiistai 29.06.2010 15:24

löysimme aulin kanssa pikkuisen kissaystävän.
rassu oli ihan langan laiha ja peloissaan. nyt se nukkuu piilossa ja kehrää heti kun naukaisee sille.
ihana pikkuystävä.

// klo 14.35 pikkuystävä käytiin hakemassa.

halusin vain tunnustaa..Keskiviikko 23.06.2010 12:26

että lapsuuden kesää -04 lukuunottamatta, tämä tuntuu huomattavasti parhaimmalta koskaan!
kiitos kuuluu teille.
jopa jokapäiväinen aamukahvi tuntuu nautinnolliselta ajatellen tulevia tapahtumia. ihan jopa yksittäisinä arkipäivinä.

kiitos kesä.
kiitos sinulle.
kiitos kaikki rakkaat asiat.
musiikki, ystävät, lämpö ja muistot.

minä rakastan teitä.

nyt minä hengitän ja olen elossa.

070607 - three yearsMaanantai 07.06.2010 12:19

mötley crüe @ helsingin jäähalli

"when i see mötley you say crüe!"