


I know I could love you or not, but either way you've got to wake up to face another day tomorrow morning.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.10.2008 23:15

Ne miehet kiertyy ympärille,
vaikka vaan sitä yhtä katson.

Silence.Torstai 09.10.2008 11:40

They say that when you're in love,
You can feel all of it in your heart.
They say that when you're in love,
You can lose your heart to him.

But now I'm lost in those blue eyes,
Trying to keep breathing,
going somewhere I've never been.
Feeling it all,
pain, happiness, misery, joyness.
Asking my self,
is he realy worth of all these tears, smiles, scars?

Feels like knives in my eyes,
again I was wrong.
So painless, so easy were your steps.
So quiet was your goodbye,
didin't even bother to say it.

Pieces of my heart,
left along you.
Just counting how far you can walk,
without looking back.
All I saw,
was your back and nothing else.

All the silence in my room,
not even a silent whisper in the calm night.
It makes the misery even harder to stand.
So quiet was the sound,
so silent was after it.
So quickly the heart can stop the beat.

They say that when you're in love,
You can feel the full way with no amnesty.
They say that when you're in love,
You can feel the rain again.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 08.10.2008 20:37

Haluun sua vaa kännis,
yhen illan ständiks,
Mä haluun pilluu en kiitosta!
Ihan turha tulla,
mulle avautumaa,
Ku mua ei vois vittuukaan kiinnostaa
Juoksen juoksen pois
En tahdo tietää kuinka tarinanne onnistuu
Juoksen juoksen pois
En tahdo nähdä kuinka palapeli valmistuu

Ehkä ois onnistuttu
Eivätkä ois jääneet
Palasista parhaat puuttumaan

Mihin se johtaakaan tuo
Taivaasta tappelu
En tahdo jäädä katsomaan

Happoradio - UhrilleKeskiviikko 08.10.2008 11:51

Itke silmäsi sameaksi
pure halki nuo punaiset huulet
huuda äänesi käheäksi, minä en lähde luotasi mihinkään

Pura kaupunki palasiksi
polta kaikki sen pimeät puistot
mana maan alle jokainen mies
minä en lähde luotasi mihinkään, luotasi mihinkään

Minä kannan meidät yli pimeän

I've burned every bridge I ever builtSunnuntai 05.10.2008 23:13

No sir,
Well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore
It's your turn so take a seat
We're settling the final score

And why do we like to hurt so much?

I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities
Well I was wrong

That's what you get when you let your heart win, woah
That's what you get when you let your heart win, woah
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, woah

I wonder
How am I supposed to feel when you're not here?
'Cause I've burned every bridge I ever built
When you were here

I still try
Holding on to silly things, I never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities
I'm sure you've heard

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 17:03

Käske miestäsi pukeutumaan
Che Guevaraan
Kun te kaadutte sänkyyn
Hetkeksi toisiko se sitä vaaraa
Joka vatsassa vääntyi silloin
Kun me silmät mustalla maalasimme
Tupakkapaikalla kapinoimme
Sitä konetta vastaan raivosimme

</3Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 16:47

vittu, lempi housut hajos :(

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.10.2008 23:56

One good love
You bless all my memories
You soften the fall of my tears
And in my arms you're more than enough
You're one good love
Yeah, life throws you curves,
But you've learned to swerve,
Me, I swung and I missed,
And the next thing ya know, I'm reminiscing...
Dreaming old dreams, wishing old wishes,
Like you would be back again.

I wake up and tear drops they fall down like rain,
I put on that old song we danced to and then,
I head off to my job, I guess not much has changed,
Punch the clock, head for home,
Check the phone, just in case,
Go to bed, dream of you,
That's what I'm doin' these days.