


Bird of Hermes is my name eating my wings to make me tame...

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 24.05.2013 02:33

Another day in this carnival of souls
Another night's sands end as quickly as it goes
The memories are shadows, ink on the page
And I can't seem to find my way home
And it's almost like
Your heaven's trying everything
Your heaven's trying everything to keep me out
All the places I've been and things I've seen
A million stories that made up a million shattered dreams
The faces of people I'll never see again
And I can't seem to find my way home
'Cause it's almost like
Your heaven's trying everything to break me down
'Cause it's almost like
Your heaven's trying everything to keep me out
'Cause it's almost like
Your heaven's trying everything to break me down
'Cause it's almost like
Your heaven's trying everything
Your heaven's trying everything to break me down
To break me down, to break me down
Your heaven's trying everything
Your heaven's trying everything to break me down

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.05.2013 02:19

oli ihan mieluisa riipasu.. johan sitä uutta tuli ootettuakin

wonderland of eternal darknessSunnuntai 19.05.2013 02:30

yölliset seikkailut yooutuben villissä mailmassa :D

Forever=Für immer
Stay true to yourself
Never part
We'll stay together
No power
Will ever separate us
We'll fight like a beast for it
You will get to know me!
Because friends are most important for me - always -
I will always be there for you - forever
Deep inside my heart - forever -
Deep inside my heart - forever -
Deep inside my heart - I see you and me
So long time
I long for honesty
I miss you, miss safety
In Freedom
Courage and power
Lead me through every day
Accompany us in deepest night
- Soon made it! -
I would give my life
For you - always -
Will survive everything - forever -
Deep inside my heart - forever -
Deep inside my heart - forever -
Deep inside my heart ...
There's a message in this sound
Hay una promessa en el sonido
Forever together
They'll never separate us
- Never separate us -

<3Keskiviikko 15.05.2013 00:31

To the girl that made me smile today i fucking love you <3 @burnedangel

^^ hihiiiiiiii <3 _______ -.-"Tiistai 14.05.2013 23:32

Nyt on sekava olo ... olen onelline ja samalla rikki revitty...
Elämä hymyilee ja toisaalta Walhallan kutsu on houkutteleva...

Jokainen päivä on ollut taistelua... tänään valo kuitenkin kajasti pilvien lomasta ja olin hetken onnellinen ja olen vieläkin... rakkauden tähden tämä on kestettävä..

sattuu ja on paska fiilis.. mutta rakkaus kaiken hyväksi tekee.

Päivän fiilikset osa 1..Perjantai 03.05.2013 21:08

R.I.PPerjantai 03.05.2013 20:59

Taas on yksi mahtava kitaristi lähtenyt keskuudestamme..
"Slayer is devastated to inform that their bandmate and brother, Jeff Hanneman, passed away at about 11AM this morning near his Southern California home. Hanneman was in an area hospital when he suffered liver failure. He is survived by his wife Kathy, his sister Kathy and his brothers Michael and Larry, and will be sorely missed.
Our Brother Jeff Hanneman, May He Rest In Peace (1964 - 2013)"

.....Lauantai 27.04.2013 04:16

se tunne kun kaikki mitä olet yrittänyt saada aikaan... katoaa kuin tuhka tuulen... rauhan temppelisi sortuu... sitä vajoaisi alimpaan helvettiin ja odottaa että joku heittäisi lapion jotta voit kaivautua vielä syvemmälle.

shiet....Torstai 25.04.2013 02:04

Sitä joskus tulee miettineeks et miks on ylipäätään enää olemassa kunnes sitä tajuaa et on se yks ystävä kuka ei oo koskaa pettäny sun luottamustas... yksikin hyvä ystävä voi pelastaa sinun henkesi.