


Hyvää syntymäpäivää Suomi!

Syntitesti.Torstai 15.02.2007 03:38


Kohtuullisuus: 14
Suhteellisuuden taju: 13
Oikeudenmukaisuus: 11
Lojaalisuus: 10
Pyhä huolettomuus: 10
Urhoollisuus: 10
Viisaus: 10
Anteeksiantavaisuus: 8
Rakkaus: 5
Jalo joutilaisuus: 4
Hiljainen tieto: 3

Ylpeys: 13
Kateus: 11
Tietämättömyys: 7
Hekumallisuus: 6
Murehtiminen: 5
Hengen velttous: 4
Vatsan palvonta: 4
Välinpitämättömyys: 4
Vihamielisyys: 3
Ahneus: 0
Huumorintajuttomuus: 0

Lähtö tuli!Keskiviikko 14.02.2007 17:03

Metallica@Helsinki 15.7.2007 (Tapahtumat) sunnuntai.

Antti on onnellinen!Torstai 01.02.2007 18:52

12.2. Alkaa työt Poutulla. Fiilis on loistava. Vuosi näyttäisi alkavan kivasti vaikka Tammikuu on tullu kin pelleiltyä. Terkut kaikille ystäville ja kavereille!

Slayeriä.Maanantai 29.01.2007 02:56

[Lyrics & Music - Hanneman]

Auschwitz, the meaning of pain
The why that I want you to die
Slow death, immense decay
Showers that cleanse you of your life
Forced in
Like cattle
You run
Stripped of
Your life's worth
Human mice, for the Angel of Death
Four hundred thousand more to die
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Sadistic, surgeon of demise
Sadist of the noblest blood

Destroying, without mercy
To benefit the Aryan race

Surgery, with no anesthesia
Fell the knife pierce you intensely
Inferior, no use to mankind
Strapped down screaming out to die
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher,
Angel of Death

Pumped with fluid, inside your brain
Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes
Burning flesh, drips away
Test of heat burns your skin, your mind starts to boil
Frigid cold, cracks your limbs
How long can you last
In this frozen water burial?
Sewn together, joining heads
Just a matter of time
'Til you rip yourselves apart
Millions laid out in their
Crowded tombs
Sickening ways to achieve
The holocaust
Seas of blood, bury life
Smell your death as it burns
Deep inside of you
Abacinate, eyes that bleed
Praying for the end of
Your wide awake nightmare
Wings of pain, reach out for you
His face of death staring down,
Your blood running cold
Injecting cells, dying eyes
Feeding on the screams of
The mutants he's creating
Pathetic harmless victims
Left to die
Rancid Angel of Death
Flying free


Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher,
Angel of Death

Angel of Death

Asian omaiset tietää kyllä!Sunnuntai 28.01.2007 21:20

Bodies fill the fields I see, hungry heroes end
No one to play soldier now, no one to pretend
Running blind through killing fields, bred to kill them all
Victim of what said should be, a servant till I fall

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Do just as we say
Finished here. Greetings, Death,
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward, you servant, you blind man

Barking of machine-gun fire does nothing to me now
Sounding of the clock that ticks, get used to it somehow
More a man, more stripes you wear, glory-seeker trends
Bodies fill the fields I see
The slaughter never ends

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Do just as we say
Finished here. Greetings, Death,
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward, you servant, you blind man

Why am I dying?
Kill, have no fear
Lie, live off lying
Hell, hell is here

I was born for dying

Life planned out before my birth, nothing could I say
Had no chance to see myself, molded day by day
Looking back I realize, nothing have I done
Left to die with only friend
Alone I clench my gun

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty-one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Just do as we say
Finished here. Greetings, Death,
He's yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward, you servant, you blind man

Back to the front

Lemmy Kilmister (MOTÖRHEAD), Vinnie Paul Abbott (ex-PANTERA, DAMAGEPLAN), Scott Ian (ANTHRAX), Paul Gray (SLIPKNOT), Jason Bittner (SHADOWS FALL), John "J.D." Deservio (BLACK LABEL SOCIETY), Nick Catanese (BLACK LABEL SOCIETY), Brian Tichy (BILLY IDOL), Noah Robinson (BLEED THE SKY), Eric Singer (KISS, ALICE COOPER) and Keri Kelli (ALICE COOPER, SLASH'S SNAKEPIT, RATT) are among the musicians that will take part in all-star jam to honor of the late PANTERA/DAMAGEPLAN guitarist "Dimebag" Darrel Abbott on Saturday, January 20 at the Hilton Hotel in the Pacific Ballroom in Anaheim, California. The night will start out with Stockholm, Sweden-based metal band MELDRUM (led by former PHANTOM BLUE guitarist Michelle Meldrum) featuring a special guest appearance by Gene Hoglan from STRAPPING YOUNG LAD. When the opening set is done, the famous Coffin Case fashion show will commence with the hot Coffin Girl models showcasing the Dime Hardware line while showing off the new Coffin Case clothing as presented for 2007. And if that was not enough, the night will close with a cast of many — Black Tooth Bash, sponsored by Coffin Case and Monster Energy drink. This party is by invitation only — first come, first served.

Hyvät sanat. Perjantai 12.01.2007 20:44


This television has a poison on its breath.
This counter culture of both wicked lies and death.
It makes my eyes bleed everytime I turn around.
How will they all feel when I bring them to the ground?

And I'll say.

I walk for miles inside this pit of danger.
A place where no one follows me, I walk alone.


I'm sick of all these people talkin' out their heads.
I've never understood a damn thing that they said.
From words to actions never knowing what they're about.
I guess I'll have to chew them up and spit them out.

And I'll say!

I walked for miles inside this pit of danger.
I've swallowed down a thousand years of anger.
The weight of the world is falling on my shoulders.
A place where no one follows me I walk alone.


I walk alone.

Oh Yeah!


I walked for miles inside this pit of danger.
I've swallowed down a thousand years of anger.
The weight of the world is falling on my shoulders.
A place where no one follows me I walk alone.

I walk alone. Yeah!

Laitoin kuitenki tämän....Torstai 11.01.2007 05:36

Muistatko sinä, joka juuri luet tätä tekstiä ja tunnet minut (esim. omistat puhelinnumeroni, olet paras kaverini, olet joskus jutellut kanssani jne.) miten tapasimme? Minä muistan (ehkä!) mutta muistatko sinä? Ole kiltti ja kommentoi että tiedän sinun muistelleen meidän kaveruuttamme :)
Sinä, joka kommentoit (tai luit tätä) kopioi tämä omalle sivullesi ja ylläty siitä, miten moni sinut muistaakaan!

01. Kuka olet?
02. Olemmeko ystäviä?
03. Koska ja miten tapasimme?
04. Oletko ihastunut minuun?
05. Pussaisitko minua?
06. Anna minulle lempinimi, ja kerro miksi valitsit juuri sen?
07. Kuvaile minua yhdellä sanalla
08. Mikä oli ensivaikutelmasi minusta?
09. Oletko edelleen samaa mieltä?
10. Mikä muistuttaa sinua minusta?
11. Jos voisit antaa minulle mitä tahansa, mitä se olisi?
12. Miten hyvin tunnet minut?
13. Koska näimme viimeksi?
14. Halusitko joskus kertoa minulle jotain, mitä et ole pystynyt kertomaan?
15. Aioitko pistää tämän blogiisi ja katsoa, mitä minä kertoisin?

Synttäribileistä...Keskiviikko 10.01.2007 23:02

Kiitokset kaikille jotka oli paikalla. Juhlat meni ilman suurempia komplikaatioita. Pikku köhän vain sai allekirjoittanut. Kiitos vielä kerran kaikille :) P.s. Vappuna ehkä roiman majan saunan vois lämmittää ja järkätä jotain. Palataan asiaan.