
PhotographTorstai 06.09.2007 05:27

Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red
And what the hell is on Joey's head

And this is where I grew up
I think the present owner fixed it up
I never knew we'd ever went without
The second floor is hard for sneaking out

And this is where I went to school
Most of the time had better things to do
Criminal record says I've broke in twice
I must have done it half a dozen times

I wonder if it's too late
Should I go back and try to graduate
Life's better now than it was back then
If I was them I would of let me in
Oh oh oh
Oh god I, I

Every memory of looking out the back door
I have a photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
its hard to say it,
it's time to say it
Goodbye goodbye
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it,
time to say it
Goodbye goodbye

Remember the old arcade
Blew every dollar that we ever made
The cops hated us hangin' out
They say somebody went and burned it down

We used to listen to the radio
and sing along with every song we know
we said someday wed find out how it feels
to sing to more than just the steering wheel

Kim's the first girl I kissed
I was so nervous that I nearly missed
She's had a couple of kids since then
I haven't seen her since God knows when
Oh oh oh
Oh god I, I

Every memory of looking out the back door
I have a photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
its hard to say it,
it's time to say it
Goodbye goodbye
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it,
time to say it
Goodbye goodbye

I miss that town
I miss their faces
You can't erase
You can't replace it
I miss it now
I can't believe it
So hard to stay
Too hard to leave it

If I could relive those days
I don't know one thing that would never change

Every memory of looking out the back door
I have a photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
its hard to say it,
it's time to say it
Goodbye goodbye
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it,
time to say it
Goodbye goodbye

Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
Every time I do it makes me

Kerta se on ensimmäinenkiTiistai 17.07.2007 22:20

Joo-o, hyvä se on mennä pihalle leikkaa nurmikkoa ja ottaa arskaa...
varsinki kun saa leikkurin käynnistettyä niin ovi menee tuulen voimasta lukkoo ja kaikki kamat sisäl... ja kyllä se bensa riitti 4-5 neliö alueen leikkaamisee, ei vituttanu >_<

JussipussiTorstai 21.06.2007 18:42

JeeJee, katsellaan yyteris \o/..

Hyvät jussit kaikille o/

Ei näin..Torstai 07.06.2007 14:30

Otin tuossa vähän vääntöskabaa tollasen tasoporan kans..
Tasapeli! saatanan hanska repes ihan palasiks.. eli siis oli porailemas siinä kunnes terä päätti haukkasta hanskan mukaa,
ois pahemminki voinu käydä mutta tää päivä saikkua ja pienet jäljet kädessä :>

HayMaanantai 30.04.2007 17:02

Hyvät Vaput kaikille o/

MewpewPerjantai 13.04.2007 15:03

Mou dareka no tame janakute
Jibun no tame ni waratte ii yo

You don't have to force your smiles for anyone
It's okay to smile... for yourself


W00tMaanantai 15.01.2007 23:17

A : You like to drink.
B : Everyone wants you.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : Damn good kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and looks.
I : You Are Great in bed.
J : People Adore YOU!
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Everyone loves you.
M : best kisser ever.
N : You like to drink.
O : Awesome kisser.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Fuckin crazy.
S : Easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgmental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready.

J = People Adore YOU!
U = You really like to chill.
H = You have a very good personality and looks.
A =You like to drink.

hahaha yeah sure <3

sama snaful...

S = Easy to fall in love with.
N = You like to drink.
A = You like to drink.
F = You are dead sexy.
U = You really like to chill.

MwahawhahTorstai 28.12.2006 00:09

27.12.06 22:05 <diw0s> tsau iittalan kuumin cowboy!

haha <3

NamnamnamnamnamLauantai 23.12.2006 16:48

Hyvät joulut kaikille <3

Papa Roach - CrashKeskiviikko 20.12.2006 15:24

Looking at my reflection I donÂ’t like what I see
So I ask myself a question
Do I got what I want or do I got what I need?
IÂ’m not afraid of the future
IÂ’m spinning right out of control
I donÂ’t know where IÂ’m headed
But IÂ’m going too fast I think IÂ’m going to crash.
