


Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.... 02.12.2007 00:01

Ain't no sunshine

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.
It's not warm when she's away.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away.

Wonder this time where she's gone,
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away.

And I know, I know, I know....
Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone,
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Only darkness everyday.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away.

Anytime she goes away...

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