
Aino!♥Keskiviikko 03.03.2010 04:18

When you call on me
When I hear you breathe
I get wings to fly
I feel that I'm alive

When you look at me
I can touch the sky
I know that I'm alive

When you bless the day
I just drift away
All my worries die
I'm glad that I'm alive

You've set my heart on fire
Filled me with love
Made me a woman on clouds above

I couldn't get much higher
My spirit takes flight
'Cause I am alive

And whenever you smile i can´t hardly believe that you´re mine (: ♥

Olet jotain suurta, jotain kaunista, jotain uskomatonta, jotai parasta! Olet todellinen ystävä, jota en koskaan unohda, olet sydämmemme pala jota emme koskaan kadota<3!

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