


Sarcoptes scabiei

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NyyhLauantai 14.03.2009 22:51

Ei kukaan tuu hoitaan mua :(

Naama verilläLauantai 14.03.2009 08:43

Eeeeeih... mä en ikinä enää mee halaileen kavereita ku tää on lopputulos :D

Broder Daniel - ShorelineLauantai 14.03.2009 07:53

Ever since I was eight or nine
I´ve been standing on the shoreline
for all my life I´ve been waiting
for something lasting
you loose your hunger and you loose your way
you get confused and then you fade away

oh this town
kills you when you are young
oh this town
kills you when you are young

I´m not the boy that I used to be
this town has got the youth of me
all the eyes turn hollow
from the work of sorrow

you die young
you die when you´re young
you die when you´re young
we are shadows
oh were shadows
just shadows in the alley

you´re standing on the paving
by the office building
they´ve got so much to do
never time for you

you die young
you die when you´re young
you die when you´re young
we are shadows
oh we´re shadows
just shadows in the alley
I´ve got nothing
nothing to wait for
nothing to wait for
where is life
in this town
where is life in this town

GrrrrallaLauantai 14.03.2009 03:44


My ass is ready for anything...Torstai 12.03.2009 18:53

Are you?

Raukka piileskeliTorstai 12.03.2009 10:14


Mä en nyt jaksais..Torstai 12.03.2009 10:12

Ei oo kivaa leikkiä piilosta kännykän kanssa :S x)

KotonaTorstai 12.03.2009 09:43

Ensin oli Jani, sitten oli lonkero. Sitten oli toinen ja kolmas..ja pari vielä.
Sitten oli Petri. Sitten oli baari. Stten oli humala. Sitten oli jotain.
Sitten oli taas enemmän jotain. Sitten tulin kotiin. Kiitti äippä<3 :D
Sitten mulla on kaljaa paljon, mut en pysty juomaan niitä :S
Kaikki tän päiväkirjamerkinnän lukeneet voi haistaa...:)

Ei saatana, pakko mennä tekeen ruakaa.

Nussikaa toisianne.

Jälleen kerran...Keskiviikko 11.03.2009 02:24

The Heartburns - Something More Than This

For how long have I been waiting,
sitting here & masturbating,
waiting for something to happen,
but nothing fuckin' happened,
maybe never will happen,
is this all life can give to me,
pain heartache & misery,
every time my phone rings I'm scared,
"what bad news this time, man, who's fucking dead?",

tried to change my ways of thinking,
just to keep my boat from sinking,
quit drinking and stay off the drugs,
but after three days said "this fuckin' sucks",
got 26 fucked up years behind me,
and some day that reaper-guy, he will find me,
but before he gets me I wish,
to see something more,
something more than this,

'cos I'm lost in the dark,
with a spike through my heart,
with nobody to love,
you know I got nowhere to go,

I'm lost in the dark,
my life's shattered apart,
yeah it stinks just like a fart,
it's been fucked up from the start,
from the very start.

Kannattaa pelata unissaan jalkapallooTiistai 10.03.2009 15:41

Piti potkasta suoraan syötöstä... no heräsin vittu siihen ku potkasin sängyn vieressä olevaa peltikaappia aika kovaa. :D