


sc. toniiimou ig. tontsuu kik. toniiimou toniiimou ! tulkaa puhuu ! :3

!Maanantai 24.12.2012 13:48


a single moment of sinceritySunnuntai 23.12.2012 13:33

Tear out my eyes, remove my gift of sight.
Proves ever cursing, the light won't find us here,
Painted red my eyes are burning.
And still you hide behind the waves.

Your silence is haunting.
Your words relentless, burying in,
My heart betrays me for a last first kiss goodbye.
Fall asleep, jar one eye, jar one eye.

Spilling every lie you've spilled before,
Still I'm not forgiving you.
What's happened between us, what can I give to save us?
Being righteous isn't quite enough.
What's happened between us, what can I give to save me?

witness the addiction.Sunnuntai 23.12.2012 13:31

I used to wish that I could fly, spread my wings and fly away.
I'd cross my fingers for a day, wishing for a better way.
So take my hands and take me away (burn, liar).
I'd close my eyes and even pray, wishing for a better day

don't goTorstai 13.12.2012 14:30

I was raised in the valley, there was shadows and death.
Got out alive but with scars I can't forget.
This kid back in school, subdued and shy.
An orphan and a brother and unseen by most eyes.
I don't know what it was that made a piece of him die,
Took a boy to the forest, slaughtered him with a scythe.
Stamped on his face, an impression in the dirt.
Do you think the silence makes a good man convert?

We all have our horrors and our demons to fight.
But how can I win, when I'm paralyzed?
They crawl up on my bed, wrap their fingers round my throat.
Is this what I get for the choices that I made?
God forgive me, for all my sins. God forgive me, for everything.
God forgive me, for all my sins. God forgive me, God forgive me.

Don't go, I can't do this on my own.
Don't go, I can't do this on my own.
Save me from the ones that haunt me in the night.
I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight.
Don't go.
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god bless youPerjantai 07.12.2012 15:42

you left me with these broken lies, and i let you.
got no more time for your goodbyes. so god bless you! god bless you,shed those faded memories, this is your curtain call.
I've had enough of sympathy, it's time to watch you fall.
All the same in love and war.
you left me with these broken lies, and i let you.
got no more time for your goodbyes, so god bless you!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 26.11.2012 15:01

-.-Sunnuntai 25.11.2012 13:19

Ladies and gentlemen place your fucking bets
Here they come!

Oh she's drown, how very spectacular
What a work of art I've spawned
Man am I proud of myself on this one!

She's such a fucking masterpiece
Self destruction is such a pretty little thing!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.11.2012 13:13

I used to wish that I could fly, spread my wings and fly away.
I'd cross my fingers for a day, wishing for a better way.
So take my hands and take me away (burn, liar).
I'd close my eyes and even pray, wishing for a better day.
Coming home to addiction inside, it was always on my miserable mind.
Witnessing your addiction (through my eyes) inside your mind.
It was always on your fucking mind!
I used to pray every day, wishing, wishing for a better way, but nothing
Fucking changed.
When nothing changed, I lost my faith.
Praying, praying for a better day, everyday.


!Perjantai 16.11.2012 16:43

Huumeet aineet piikit ja napit
Hyvänolon tunne ja pää sekasin
Mut ei se kestä kauaa, matkalla hautaan
Se parhaiten nauraa joka viimeksi nauraa

Nistit ja narkkarit kuunnelkaa tätä
Hyvinvointisuomen ansiosta nuoriso on mätä
Ainoo ilo sniffaaminen sekä rännitys
Parhaiten nauraa jolla on vahvin lääkitys