


Joka leikkiin ryhtyy, se leikin kestäköön.

nn..Lauantai 19.09.2009 19:33

It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done.

juuuLauantai 19.09.2009 15:54

ella <3<3<33<33

syyslomallanähäämuahahahahaLauantai 19.09.2009 15:28

JENNA :____D__D_D_D_D

it's time to say goodbyeLauantai 19.09.2009 13:38

.Maanantai 14.09.2009 18:06

Do you remember still the night
When you left me crying
Do you know that you broke my heart
When you left me crying

niinhän sitä aina luvataan..Maanantai 14.09.2009 17:35

If you fall, stumble down
I'll pick you up of the ground
If you lose faith in you
I'll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up
cause I'll be waiting if you fall
You know I'll be there for you...

...Maanantai 14.09.2009 17:30

It's never enough to say I'm sorry
It's never enough to say I care
But I'm caught between what you wanted from me,
And knowing if I give that to you, I might just disappear

o9o9o9 <3Torstai 10.09.2009 18:28