
Sharpest livesSunnuntai 03.02.2008 16:44

Well it rains and it pours
When you're out on your own
If I crash on the couch
Can I sleep in my clothes?
'Cause I've spent the night dancing
I'm drunk, I suppose
If it looks like I'm laughing
I'm really just asking to leave

This alone, you're in time for the show
You're the one that I need
I'm the one that you loathe
You can watch me corrode like a beast in repose
'Cause I love all the poison
Away with the boys in the band

I've really been on a bender and it shows
So why don't you blow me a kiss before he goes?

Give me a shot to remember
And you can take all the pain away from me
A kiss and I will surrender
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead
A light to burn all the empires
So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be
In love with all of these vampires
So you can leave like the sane abandoned me

There's a place in the dark where the animals go
You can take off your skin in the cannibal glow
Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands
Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, Romeo

I've really been on a bender and it shows
So why don't you blow me a kiss before she goes?

Give me a shot to remember
And you can take all the pain away from me
A kiss and I will surrender
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead
A light to burn all the empires
So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be
In love with all of these vampires
So you can leave like the sane abandoned me

Give me a shot to remember
And you can take all the pain away from me
A kiss and I will surrender
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead
A light to burn all the empires
So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be
In love with all of these vampires
So you can leave like the sane abandoned me

SexxxySunnuntai 27.01.2008 19:41

I’m bringing sexy back
You mother fuckers watch how I attack
If that’s your guy you better watch your back
Cause he’ll burn it up for me and that’s a fact

Catch me if you can!Lauantai 26.01.2008 03:34

Too fast, too odious, too strong
Too slick, too hard to get along
Too weird - don't know where you belong

Too much, too right up in your face
Too heavy, get off of my case
So sad I'll put you in you place

Too dizzy, too much junk TV
Too busy living through a screen
Don't ever question what you see

Totally absolutely numb
Together till the job is done
What if tomorrow never comes?

Too soon, to easy to give in
Just gotta trust what's within
So can you feel me crawling under your skin

Silly meSunnuntai 13.01.2008 02:52

It's funny..
In two years you forget how to breathe.
You forget who you REALLY are

Silly me,
always trying to please someone else,
always trying to be someone else, but me
Guess it's easier that way
Too troubled and crazy
Would scare people

I know I can't be with anyone until I can be with myself
Yeah, I know.
How stupid that may sound
And how HARD it is going to be for me

But still..
HATE being alone
At night it would be nice to have someone next to me..
Any volunteers for the job?
Just joking..Addiction talking
Silly me.

Ladies and gentlemenTiistai 08.01.2008 02:32

I've got a little story to tell
About a pretty boy, and how he suddenly fell
Now, see everyone knew him, they knew him oh so well
Now I'm taking over to release him from his spell

He's the original
He's unforgettable
Its kind of pitiful
That he's gone
It's kind of incredible
He's so unpredictable
Its time to let him go
Because he's gone, because he's gone, because he's gone

He was taken under, drowning in his sea,
Running like an angel, he was crying but could not see
Now see everyone's watching as he starts to fall,
Now, don't have a break down, you will hit the freakin' wall

He's unforgettable
He was a legend though
He wanted you to know
That he's gone
It's kinda incredible
He's so unpredictable
He wanted you to know
That he's gone, that he's gone,that he's gone

Now ladies does that make you cry?
Now fellas, you have to say goodbye
'Cause pretty boy's got to fly
Everyone, may we have a moment of silence?

Right here.
About to crash and burn

But I don't give a fucking damn

Didn't expected to be here that long anyway

Going gracy.......Lauantai 05.01.2008 23:18

Breakfast on Pluto is a f*cking good movie..

Taboo-Blood pond hellLauantai 05.01.2008 01:10

I'm standing on a cliff.
Far far way in the horizon
Is the life I had,
behind me is the hell I'm in.

I look down in the ravine and see nothing but a light
Calming, peaceful light.

Part of me would like to jump and try reach the other side
But it's too far away, It's too hard, I'll never make it out alive..

My other part is tempted on taking a simple step forward, in to the light.
Peaceful, calming light. It would be so easy.

Then suddenly a pair of brown eyes look at me saying
"Don't leave me alone"
I'd like to think at least I mean something to someone
I mean something to it.

Then the devil comes from behind. Fucking hellmaker.
He shoots burning thorns at me
Like a lightning they strike and tear my flesh
They sink deep under my skin

My body goes stiff from every hit
It hurts
I fall down on my knees
The pain is almost untolerable
The wounds are open
I bleed
Oh God, how I bleed
I can't make it stop

I watch the blood draining out of me
Dark sticky stuff
I'm starting to feel dizzy

I'm lying in a blood pond
Makes my hands sticky
I'm starting to go numb
"Finally" I think.

I raise my head and there's those brown eyes again
Looking at me
"Please don't go"
I must mean something to it.

What the hell I'm going to do?
I don't know.
Who the hell knows??

Tuhannet mun kasvotKeskiviikko 02.01.2008 01:49

Kun sua tervehdin,
se myös hyvästin sisältää.
Vaik' tyyni oon kuin aamu,
mun mieli myrskyää.
Ilman vihaa mä koskaan
en voisi rakastaa.
Kotini sieltä löysin,
missä vieraan on maa.

mua kalvaa yksinäisyys.
Viel' nuoreen vereeni
on kirjoitettu iäisyys.
Kun kiihkosta huudan,
teen sen kuiskaten.
Kaiken uskon sinuun laitan,
vaikka epäilen.

-Tuhannet mun kasvot
ja ne vaihtuvat vaan.

Nauraessani poskillain
sä näet kyyneleen.
Pyydän "jäisit tähän",
salaa toivon että meet.
Yötä aina ikävöin,
vaikka päivän lapsi oon.
Pimeyden laskiessa
kaipaan valoon.

-Tuhannet mun kasvot
ja ne vaihtuvat vaan.
Vastakohdat, ristiriidat,
mä ylleni paan.
Yötä aina ikävöin,
vaikka päivän lapsi oon.
Pimeyden laskiessa
kaipaan valoon.

Tuhannet mun kasvot...

Kerro miltä se tuntuu?..Maanantai 31.12.2007 11:07

Kerro miltä se tuntuu,
kun irti päästää
Kerro miltä se tuntuu,
kun ei mitään pelkää

Kaiteelle seisomaan jään
Kädet nostan
Ummista en silmiä
Enää ei huimaa

Mä karkaisin vieraiden mukaan
Ei viikkoihin löytäisi kukaan
Ulos saan nukahtaa
Mä vuokraisin majakan jostain
Ja tauotta juhlisin jos vain
Huvittaa teen mitä vaan

Kerro miltä se tuntuu,
kun irti päästää
Kerro miltä se tuntuu,
kun ei mitään pelkää

En mieti kuinka nyt käy
ja kuka kaipaa
Ja vaikkei maatakaan näy
Nojaan jo ilmaan

Mä halvalla tavarat myisin
Pois muuttaisin, siellä pysyisin
Mikä maa valitaan?
Mä haluan kokea kaiken
Laskuvarjohypyn ja naisen
Rakastaa tosissaan

Kerro miltä se tuntuu,
kun irti päästää
Kerro miltä se tuntuu,
kun ei mitään pelkää

Kerro miltä se tuntuu