
Don't fall on meSunnuntai 12.10.2008 18:06

I don't feel so bad
for never calling you again
I wasn't feeling it so much
not when we kissed or when we touched

And I don't wanna be your fantasy
You shoulda know better but you did nothing

What we meant, people change
Dont fall on me, dont fall on me oh yeah
Who's to blame
and if you fall on me, it's gonna be on you

I never saw any boys cry
But I see you sitting there rubbing on your blue eyes
I feel so mean and I don't know why
Cause I told you not to dive in and you didn't listen

And I don't know what you expect from me
Cause I keep trying to tell you nicely

What we meant, people change
Dont fall on me, dont fall on me
Who's to blame
and if you fall on me, it's gonna be on you

I thought I warned you ,overpossessive
You didn't crawl enough much faster
I thought I told you not to dive in
You didn't listen to me

What we meant, people change
Don't fall on me, dont fall on me
What we meant, who's to blame
Dont fall on me, don't fall on me
What we meant
and if you fall on me, it's gonna be on you
nimesi alkukirjain

A= pahoinpitelin
B= puukotin
C= mulkkasin
D= vakoilin
F= nain
G= runkkasin
H= hakkasin
I= tapoin
J= suutelin
K = matkin
L = nussin
M = söin
N = mulkoilin
O = esitin
R = kutitin
S = raiskasin
U = puraisin
Y = tönin

Silmien värisi

SININEN = eilen
VIHREÄ = yöllä
RUSKEA = viime perjantaina


1= pappia
2= opettajaa
3= äitiä
4= isää
5= mummoa
6= koiraa
7= joulupukkia
8= teräsmiestä
9= talonmiestä
10= pappaa
11= jammusetää
12= veljeä
13= kummisetää
14= naapurin poikaa
15= poliisia
16= tarja halosta
17= annaa
18= ilotyttöä
19= homoa
20= leipuria
21= siskoa
22= parasta kaveria
23= kamelia
24= mikkoa
25= kimi räikköstä
26= kirjastovirkailijaa
27= teemua
28= puutarhuria
29= seppo taalasmaata
30= maria
31= koppakuoriaista

syntymä kuukautesi

TAMMI = siivouskomerossa
HELMI= vessassa
MAALIS= pusikossa
HUHTI= traktorissa
TOUKO= makuuhuoneessa
KESÄ= puistossa
HEINÄ= ruokalassa
ELO= poliisiasemalla
SYYS= historian tunnilla
LOKA= sovituskopissa
MARRAS= puiston penkillä
JOULU= ravintolassa

etunimesi 3. kirjain

A= koska olin puutteessa
B= koska olin epätoivoinen
C= koska olin hävinnyt vedonlyönnin
D= koska oli tylsää
E= koska halusin olla järkevä
F= koska ruuvini olivat löysällä
G= koska minulla oli syyni
H= koska äiti pakotti
I= koska en olisi saanut muuten viikkorahaa
J= koska olen idiootti
K= koska minulla oli menkat
L= koska en voinut vastustaa
M= koska olin halunnut sitä aina
N= koska minun teki mieli
O= koska olin himoinnut sitä aina
P= koska en keksinyt muutakaan
R= koska ystäväni haisi pahalle
S= koska minua halutti
T= koska halusin tietää miltä se tuntuu
U= koska märehdin
V= koska minulla oli kiire
Y= koska olin masentunut

If only I could..Sunnuntai 04.05.2008 03:57

Give me time to reason,
Give me time to think it through..
Passing through the season,
Where I cheated you..

I will always have a cross to wear,
But the bolt reminds me I was there
So give me strength,
To face this test tonight..

If only I could turn back time..
If only I had said what I still hide..
If only I could turn back time..
I would stay for the night... for the night..

Claim your right to science..
Claim your right to see the truth..
Though my pangs of conscience,
Will drill a hole in you..

I've seen it coming like a thief in the night,
I've seen it coming from the flash of your light..
So give me strength,
To face this test tonight..

If only I could turn back time..
If only I had said what I still hide..
If only I could turn back time..

Anything but lovePerjantai 04.04.2008 22:26

Bound to your side and trapped in silence
Just a possession
Is the sex or only violence
That feeds your obsession

You send me to a broken state
Where I can take the pain
Just long enough
That I am numb
That I just disappear

So go on and fight me
Go on and scare me to death
Tell me I asked for it
Tell me I'll never forget
You could give me anything but love
Anything but love

Does it feel good tonight
Hurt me with nothing
Some sort of sick satisfaction
You get from mind fucking

Oh stripped down to my naked core
The darkest corners of my mind are yours
That's where you live
That's where you breathe

So go on and fight me
Go on and scare me to death
Dare me to leave you
Tell me I'd never forget
You could give me anything but love
Anything but love

Without any faith
Without any light
Can dare me to live
Can dare me to lie
Inside I am dead

So go on and fight me
Go on and scare me to death
I'll be the victim
You'll be the voice in my head
You could give me anything but love
Anything but love
Anything but love
Anything but love
Anything but love
Anything but love

Follow me homeKeskiviikko 02.04.2008 01:53

You can't break a heart that's already broken
You can't steal a heart that's already stolen
My greatest desire is to love and be loved
Cos I'm a believer I'm not giving up
And what doesn't kill me is making me strong
I'm waiting, I'm willing, I'm ready for love

..Lauantai 29.03.2008 00:43

It doesn't really matter

Sometimes we run for cover

I'm always on the outside

...:Undignified:...Tiistai 25.03.2008 14:44

Swollen eyes
No better to let you see them now
My wasted heart
Will never learn to
drive the demon down

When you love the devil
You sell your soul
And it's hard to make him go

I am tonight

So give me false hope and promise
Me you'll try to
Redeem yourself for the Hundredth Time
Lie to me if you must My dear
Give me a reason to have you here
Giving false hope allows me to still believe
In this powerful love that's consuming me, I'm
Hooked on a drug that steals your pride
It's hard not to seem
So undignified

It terrifies me
to think I'm not the only one
You'd be surprised
How much I cry when you are gone

When your angel is the devil
Your church is a tomb
But I need to be with you

I'm undignified
Enough for two

So give me false hope and promise
Me you'll try to
Redeem yourself for the Hundredth Time
Lie to me if you must My dear
Give me a reason to have you here
Giving false hope allows me to still believe
In this powerful love that's consuming me, I'm
Hooked on a drug that steals your pride
It's hard not to seem
So undignified

I'm addicted to the pain and
pleasure you give
That's not how I wanna live
Controlled by you

So give me false hope and promise
Me you'll try to
Redeem yourself for the Hundredth Time
Lie to me if you must My dear
Give me a reason to have you here
Giving false hope allows me to still believe
In this powerful love that's consuming me, I'm
Hooked on a drug that steals your pride
It's hard not to seem
So undignified

Just like a pillSunnuntai 23.03.2008 23:45

I'm lyin' here on the floor where you left me
I think I took too much
I'm crying here, what have you done?
I thought it would be fun

I can't stay on your life support, there's a
shortage in the switch,
I can't stay on your morphine, cuz its making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again but she's being a little bitch,
I think I'll get outta here, where I can

Run just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated fears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of makin' me better, you keep makin' me ill
You keep makin' me ill

I haven't moved from the spot where you left me
This must be a bad trip
All of the other pills, they were different
Maybe I should get some help?

I can't stay on your life support, there's a
shortage in the switch,
I can't stay on your morphine, cuz its making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again but she's being a little bitch,
I think I'll get outta here, where I can

Run just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated fears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of makin' me better, you keep makin' me ill
You keep makin' me ill

Run just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated fears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of makin' me better, you keep makin' me ill

You keep makin' me ill

Honestly..Sunnuntai 23.03.2008 20:29

Honestly, can I say what I mean
Don't you play with me
Cos I should play with you

When I look in your eyes
I can see through your charm
You're constantly twisted
I'm angry, alarmed
Your poison has taken control of my soul
But I won't say no more

Sometimes I wonder where this feeling began
Deep in my heart right from the start
Tired and lonely I'll move on from this pain
I'm starting yet again

Emotionally, it takes all of me
Apologies, but you don't really have a hold on me

There's a distance between us
And you take the blame
I know that you try but
At the stage of the game
There's no turning back
With you now, don't you know, can't you see I..

Had to take matters into my own hands
Falling this deep wasn't part of my plans
If turning this around is what I have to do
To get through to you
My fire's burnt out
I'm afraid it's true

Dear..Lauantai 15.03.2008 14:04

Darling I'm killed
I'm in puddle on the floor
Waiting for you to return
Oh what a trill
Vacillations good lord
How to tease
How you leave me to burn
It's so deadly my dear
The power of wanting you near