


Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

Pe29.06.2012Perjantai 29.06.2012 04:49

Sitten kun miettii kaikessa säikkyydessä loppujen lopuksi.
Ehkä sitä oikeesti voi merkata jollekki tosi paljon.
Palautti maan pinnalle.
Maan alta...

Kun jollekki persialaiselle nirppanokka ruttuturvpalle kelpaat.
Vaikka kui hirviönä ittesä näkee loppujen lopuks.
Sano kuka ikinä mitä sanokaa.

Se tulee sillon tällön aina joku ilta ja käy tyytyväisenä pienen rapsutuksen jälkee käden päälle makaamaa.
Siinä se aamulla vieressä on, kylessä.

Tyhmä kissa.
Avaa silmät.
Aika pieni asia voi avata silmät.
Ehkä sitä voikin tarkoittaa jollekkulle jotain niin paljon.
Ettei ole mitään väliä millasena ittes näät.

Tulipa haikee olo.
Kaipa sitä voi pitkästä aikaa käyä hyvillä mielin nukkumaa...

Niin joo perjantai..!

I got Johnny Depp
I got Johnny Depp
I got Johnny Depp
Hanky panky friday

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.06.2012 01:07

I feel something isn't right
I think it is this world
When there's nothing left to fight
We all fall down

We need a breakthrough
We need a breakthrough
We need a breakthrough
We need a breakthrough now

All I need is to know you're out there
Another chance may be somewhere
But would we want to start it all again
Follow me down

Alone middle of the night
It's the end of this world
I would give everything I have
Just to get out

Took playing God one step too far
How could we have been mistaken?
Man ruled from a counterfeit throne
We followed him down

Called it a breakthrough
Called it a breakthrough
Called it a breakthrough
We need a breakthrough now

Nothing left for me to wish for
Wanting you is detrimental
All I have is the beating of my heart
We all fall down

You're my shining star
Tell me where we are
You're my shining star
Tell me where you are

And do you dream of me?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 28.06.2012 23:18


Oma lämmitys lakkas sit toimimasta...
Ratkaisu huppari päälle
Huppari ei toimi
Viltti päälle
Ei toimi

Hetken helpotus...
Kylymä. KESÄ ja kylmä...

SpreadTorstai 28.06.2012 17:21

Every path
Leads to more questions
More uncertainty

Every solution
Leads to more questions
More uncertainty

Every obsolete
Leads to one more question

Nothing seems satisfying
Everything has a shadow

Take a path
Simplicity in itself

All the doors are open
Yet they all close right in your face

Learn from trial and error
One problem in this is
Life isn't eternal
You can't start over if you make a mistake

"Which way do I go?
How fast is too slow?"

I have my beliefs about everything
Yet they every plan can be scrapped one by one

My spirit falls down all the way to lethal level
After every negative
I want a direction to follow
Just a direction
Or the ending
The between I want kept secret

In a way this will give the final solution and leaves nothing behind guessing, but... Do I have the strength?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 28.06.2012 14:59

"Very cool system like Anime movie from Japan. NICT made the anti-cyber attack alert system "DAEDALUS" . This system visualizes cyber attack and warning message in real time." Japani, käsite hellvetin siisti on teille tuntematon ja loputon.
Ja tämä vain cyber uhan varoittimeksi ja tunnistimeksi. Gheez...

Dad's old primeTorstai 28.06.2012 04:08

No katoppa perkele, iskän hetken ylpeyden aihe.

Tossa ku sais viel kyydin... Kweh~

Null VoidTorstai 28.06.2012 02:57

Shine knight
Feel the glory of surviving another battle

Lay down
Wound has been healed, lives have been saved

Cry the night
For not even fools life is worth losing

All you hear
"You've done a favor for everyone. You've healed many."

Why to cry
Your eyes see only wreckage behind

All lies
Or is it just the devil's illusion?

There's faith
Which side is right which is wrong
All yours to decide
But both sides demand slaughter
You want to remain gray
Yet you are forced to decide

For the very reason no one will slay you
Unless you decide
Until then you are considered a valuable asset

Everyone has their price

"There is no good nor bad. Only thinking makes it so."

~Chimera... I can't touch it since it is what I am... It is so wild it even attacks the very thoughts it thinks about itself. I know this and yet I even if I want to I'm never letting anyone close me... Yeah... Disappearing... That's what I should do. Since there's no whiz enough to tame the beast. Getting killed is another way~

I just can't stopTiistai 26.06.2012 10:32

I say I wanna be healthy but I turn up the noise
And the IV drips a steady stream of poison
I think I'm just in love with the feeling
Break my bones so I can feel them healing

Crazy's I believe the medical term
When we wanna recover but we don't wanna learn
Keep breaking what's been fixed a thousand times
And give me some more of that iodine

I can't make reality connect, I push 'til I have nothing left
But if we want to wake up why we still singing these lullabies
I'll run in circles 'til I crash, one day these steps will be my last
So if we want to wake up why we still singing these lullabies

I say I wanna be happy but I quickly forget
When I sabotage all the good I've got left
Depression's like a big fur coat
It's made of dead things but it keeps me warm

I don't like pain but I bring it to life
I don't like scars but I'm good with a knife
I don't like tears but I'm starting to cry when I realize I'm destroying my life
I do this to myself, I do this to myself
Stop blaming someone else, we do this to ourselves

~ I could say I'm a chimera. One moment I'm happy. Then first side steps in to destroy it all. Second side loves the grief. Third side starts over. Fourth stays in the dark observing. There's no other explanation why I find myself back at 0 all the time. Crying.~

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.06.2012 09:26

I should peel my skin off to see who there really is
To be a ghost or the Alice in the Wonderland
I'm caught like a sword in a stone

I want to sell my soul
So I could fly with a carpet and a butterfly
On to flowers big as whales

What comes of a mind without a peace
Exceedingly growling valour
Come reborn light

I have a fear and a golden key into the underworld
Phenomenal and worthy of reminiscence
A wall that guards the pleasure that you seek, yeah!

The prime of the unknown
Of pantheons I gloat
A night-time dream without a sleep
My pale white unicorn
We dwell behind these shores
The life I once had is no more!

What! I can see, I can taste is deserted air
All the dungeons are closed and forever sealed
Nobody knows where our needs have disappeared

I want to have what I just saw
I need to be where I belong
I can't be a drifter of these two!

What comes of mind without a peace
Could I keep my desire?
And the diamonds left to shine
I will defy!

The prime of the unknown
Of pantheons I gloat
A night-time dream without a sleep
My pale white unicorn
We dwell behind these shores
The life I once had is no more!

I'm bound into my fate
My wrath still leads the way
Yet I cannot give in my hope
This view is not a hoax
Somehow I can't expose
That I'm inside of the shrine of all!

I Won't leave without a fight!
I cannot stand the oncoming fall
None of this will you devour!
I won't stay in your forlorn
Don't you dare to question my belief!
I shall bloom when I decide
No, I won't feign in this pseudo colony!

The prime of the unknown
Of pantheons I gloat
A night-time dream without a sleep
My pale white unicorn
We dwell behind these shores
The life I once had is no more!

I'm bound into my fate
My wrath still leads the way
Yet I cannot give in my hope
This view is not a hoax
Somehow I can't expose
That I'm inside of the shrine of all, yeah!

LostMaanantai 25.06.2012 02:12

It is no more
That place to return
It is no more
That promised land

Cry cry cry

Where did it go?
The place to return
Where did it go?
The promised land

Cry cry cry

It shined bright
From within my heart
It vanished
In the depths of darkness
My mind kills it all
The reaper is here
Suffocating the sun
The reaper is there

Bring it, bring it, bring it

The date has not been signed for today
I wish to pay it early
I don't have the authority to decide it
Unable to do it as
Even the storm that kills it all
Is energy
That keeps one alive

So I wait and linger
For my day to come

End it valkyries of sky
Make haste Reaper I scream

I've never heard an answer
Are you shielding me even when I cry the opposite?