


Imma war dog o3o

Quadsuit päivitystäKeskiviikko 25.05.2011 16:46

Joo Nanonkaa ollaa tehty työtä ku hullut (Nano ainaki ku se pelas siel fb:ssä xD)

Täs on silmät

Ja tässä pää (kanaverkko loppu >_> ni jouduttii tekee vaahtomuovist korvat)

I have started this shit >D so klickSunnuntai 22.05.2011 12:11





again :DPerjantai 13.05.2011 18:23

jee porukat pakkaa tos kamoi ja valmistautuu mökille lähtöön ja minä jään taas viikonlopuks seikkailee himaan :DDD

o3oTorstai 05.05.2011 14:16

laita tähän blogimerkintään sydän, niin saat oletuskuvaani omistuksen. kopioi itsellesi jos on pokkaa omistella randomeille.

jeeSunnuntai 24.04.2011 19:43

sain kesätöitä <333

~we're going down~Maanantai 04.04.2011 12:39

All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
All They got all the right moves in all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

Just paint the picture of a perfect place
They got it better than what anyone's told you
They'll be the King of Hearts, and you're the Queen of Spades
Then we'll fight for you like we were your soldiers

I know we've got it good
But they got it made
And the grass is getting greener each day
I know things are looking up
But soon they'll take us down,
before anybody's knowing our name.

They got all the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
We've got all the wrong moves and all the wrong faces
So yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
All They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

Do you think I'm special?
Do you think I'm nice?
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?
Between the noise you hear
And the sound you like
Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?

It can be possible that rain can fall,
Only when it's over our heads
The sun is shining everyday, but it's far away
Over the world is death.

They got,
They got,
All the wrong friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
They got, all the wrong moves and all the wrong faces
So yeah, we're going down

All They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
All They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

It don't matter what you see.
I know I could never be
Someone that'll look like you.
It don't matter what you say,
I know I could never face
someone that could sound like you.

All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
All They got all the right moves and all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
All They got all the wrong moves and all the wrong faces
So yeah, we're going down

They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
All They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down.

Yeah, we're going down.
Yeah, we're going down.

(All the right moves, hey)
Yeah, we're going down
(All the right moves, hey)
Yeah, we're going down

tylsää taasTiistai 29.03.2011 13:39

Mitä tyylisuuntaa mielestäsi edustan ?
Fruittari , normi , tavis , pissis , hevari , hoppari , gootti , rokkari , lissu , emo ? Kun olet vastannut , lisää omaan blogiisi (;

^^Perjantai 31.12.2010 19:32


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.09.2010 21:47

Ei tänne idiootti, vaan housuihisi ! :D
> jos hymyilit edes ihan ihan ihan vähän niin lisää tämä blogiisi.. Tai lisää vaikket hymyillykkää

Ei sitte nukuttu yhtää xDTiistai 29.06.2010 09:24

Valvottii sit Deinkaa koko yö tääl meil. Ja Mari vaa nukkuu tuol vanhempien huonees ku me huudetaa tääl ja katotaa *censor* juttuja xD Greippi kalja on pahaa (5,5%) hyi hitto! (Join sitte kuitenki itte kaikki ja annoin ihmisille huikat) Ja nauroin ku hullu siihen asti et kävin vessas xDDD Pelatii simsii ja tapettii Sasuke ja se pissi uimaaltaaseen xD. Sit tapoinsen ja tein siit zombin ja kone lagas mahtavasti ja sit vaihettii toiselle koneelle ja datataa täl sitte ja haluun vielki soittaa Sumirylle ja kysyy et mitä kuuluu x3 Oon iha kännis xDD