


Listen to my story...


- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.01.2008 01:29

Gimme something IÂ’ve been wanting;
Take my feelings to the sky;
Gimme something, IÂ’ve been wondering;
Give my feelings wings to fly;
Destiny, is to be by your side

You are the light shining beside me;
I need you by all night and all day;
Destiny, destiny

-To my love. You are my destiny <3

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.01.2008 01:20

Something good happends;
we found our love

When we found our love;
we easely forget or good friends

But even when we forget our friends;
they won't ever forget us

Even if we would try to find time to both;
our love and our friends, its just too hard

There is not enaught time to both;
so my time by your side is now over

you can forgot me;
but i wont never forgot you


-To a friend. We used to be more than this, but
it's over now. Miss you.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.01.2008 02:28

You can't see the light now;
You see only the darkness

You can't feel the life in your body;
You feel only the darkness

You wish you wouldn't be here;
Not in this darkness

But if you dont know what the darness looks like,
you can't know when you are again in the light

I try to pull you out of the darkness;
but I'm too weak

But when i touch your hand;
you can again feel the light

Together we fight against the darkness;
and you feel again, that you are liveing

-To a very important friend
Dont give up, ever

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.01.2008 22:33

Can't wait that i see you :/ you are so far away and i miss you so much <33

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.12.2007 03:18

You are the best present i can ever get <3

Ye, you know who I'm meaning ;)

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 07.12.2007 01:21

You mean much to me, but so does my friends

Now it's our turn to enjoy the life :)

But we must never forget those who gave us strenght to see the chance

So we need also to help them to see the chance

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 06.12.2007 01:21

Now I know why am I living for right now. But I wont NEVER forget those, who gave me strenght to stay up and see that even I can have a chance to happiness <3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 05.12.2007 01:33

Yöllä linja-autossa
Yksi väsynyt matkustaja

Asemalta kaikuivat kuulutukset
Kutsuna jota pakoon ei pääse
Nouset kyytiin kerran
Oot kyydissä aina

näinhän se on

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 04.12.2007 00:21

First i felt good, then I felt bad, then I felt good and now I dont know what am I feeling :S and I cant write...

.Sunnuntai 02.12.2007 22:24

Wtf is going on? I can't soon take this anymore...
- Vanhemmat »