


I just go through the motions whenever you're around

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Emmure - Looking A Gifthorse In The MouthPerjantai 02.11.2007 01:43

She called me captain. I dragged her into the deepest seas
What am I supposed to do now with these pictures and these memories
Now that IÂ’ve thrown you away
This is the last song I wrote for you
Where is my closure?
You can feel me clinging to my sheets
Waiting for this new perspective, that these hands are better off empty
Now that IÂ’ve thrown you away, IÂ’m still waiting
And weÂ’ve parted ways; and I hope that youÂ’re happy
‘Cause you are the memory that just won’t seem to fade

Things will look up or I hope so...Torstai 01.11.2007 02:15

Jeespoks! Huomenna.. tai siis tänään aloitan kuukauden kestävät työt eräässä firmassa jotka kaverini jo saattavat arvata :> Samalla pitäisi tässä välissä hoitaa autokoulu loppuun ja sitten saada tehtyä tuolle kyseiselle firmalle kotisivut. Odotukset on korkeella mitä seuraava kuukausi tuo tullessaan, toivotaan että tästä jää käteen jotain ja opin myös samalla jotain uutta. Odotan jo viikonloppua ja vietän laatuaikaa kavereideni kanssa jos semmoisia löytyy..

np: Darkest Hour - Closing On A Day

Our GhostsPerjantai 26.10.2007 04:30

we could not block the arrows
that poisoned your heart
betrayed from the beginning,
now too spoiled to trust
we'd work on an ending,
but where would we start?
i won't pass my judgements
for judges to judge just
hashing out contingents
with your ghost

Darkest HourTorstai 25.10.2007 23:47

Those haunting consequences
left the spoiled taste of regret in my mouth
left to work it out alone
and when you fell asleep
did you think of me?
this is the closing of the day
and you escaped before I could reach out to you
those crippled memories all surge inside a lifeless mind
passing time won't reconcile a sickness with no name
an antidote that won't bring you back
and as you draw your final breathe,
please forgive me I
will never forget you.

DH - Closing On The Day

A Wilhelm Scream - Anchor EndKeskiviikko 24.10.2007 08:02

The worst writers are the ones who fuck up happy endings.
The best ones don't bother to type.

I've been writing you a letter in my head for months with no reply.
When did your interest in me die?
Take this sickening shiv I cut all my friends off with.
I lie to those who love me by reciprocating.
I wish I felt sincere inside.
When I needed you to make me needy, how surprising!
You needed nothing of mine.
Take this sinking ship I'll take all my friends down with because all my friends are anchor end.
Piss, drunks, and love. These too are found in gutters. I won't throw up.
I'm smarter now.

If these bullets could talkMaanantai 22.10.2007 03:31

I feel that I've done my part,
But now it's time to stop this beating heart...
How could you destroy
Your best friend
But now it's time, for me, to stop... beating
