Chapter 1: Personal
Initials: S. K. H. L.
Middle name: Katri Heinikki
Birthday: May 26th 1987
Birth Place: Turku, Finland
Current location: Eyrarbakki, Iceland
Height: 5' 7" or 170cm
Hair length: looong
Eye color: blueish green
Piercings: 2 in left ear, 3 in right
Birthmarks: none
Chapter 2: Family
Do you live with your parents: with my host parents
Do you get along with your parents? yes
Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Married
Do you have any siblings? 4 younger brothers
What pets do you have? this family here has a cat, a dog and a bunny
What are their names? Næla, Bella and Perla
Chapter 3: Favorites
City: Rome
Season: Winter
clothing brand: Aeropostale
Color: red
Number: 107
Chapter 4: Do You ...
Sing in the shower? yes
Write memos on your hand? yes
Call people back? no one ever calls me
Believe in love? yeah
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? no
Wear glasses or contacts? glasses sometimes
Chapter 5: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping? yes
Worn braces? no, lucky me
Broken a bone? never
Had stitches? nope
Punched someone in the face? yes
Skipped school? yes...
Taken painkillers? oh yes
Gone SCUBA diving? nope
Been stung by a bee? nope
Thrown up in a restaurant? nope
Been to overnight camp? humm, yes?
Written a letter to Santa Claus? yes :)
Had detention? no \o/
Been sent to the principal's office? yes
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last..
Person to IM you? Will
Person to call you? Haukur
Person you hugged? I don't remember... my host mom?
Person you tackled? hmm... does throwing snowballs count? Emiel?
Thing you touched? Arnar Pétur
Thing you ate? painkiller
Drank? water
Thing you said? "Arnar Pétur, vertu alveg ush"
40 RANDOM questions:
Last call received: from Hauk
Last call made: to Hauk
Last text received from: Michael from Australia
What channel is the TV on? Stöd2
What song is playing: No Doubt - It's my life (on TV)
Watching: 'i fínu formi, some gymnastics show
What is your background: you mean wallpaper?
Type of pizza: pepperoni, mushrooms, egg, feta... pretty much anything
College basketball team: who cares?
Shirt that you own: "What happens in this shirt, stays in this shirt"
Warning: "What happens in this shirt, stays in this shirt"
What's the time: 9:23AM
What's the date: January 15th 2007
What's the day: Monday...
Do you own more than 5 TV sets: no
Do you own a toaster: yes
Do you own a house with 2 floors? this family does
Cat: Næla
Jump: that the kids should be quiet
Love: :)
Bed: sleep right now
Food: the leftovers on the table
Scratch and sniff: ummmm gross?