
:)<3Keskiviikko 07.10.2009 23:06

Brandy - Fall

I wanna loose myself in love, yeah
Let you have me completely, yeah yeah
If I give you all my trust,
Can I just let me go, (can I not be afraid)
To let you find my way

'Cause when you find someone that means so much to you
Giving all you got is easy to do

Just fall, don't be afraid
Fall, 'cause I'm on my way, fall, with all of my faith, (in love)
Fall, it will be ok, Fall, there's no other way
Fall Just Fall (in love)

Just fall, don't be afraid
Fall, 'cause I'm on my way, fall, with all of my faith, (in love)
Just, fall, it will be ok, Fall, there's no other way
Fall, fall (in love) (2x)

I'm ready to fall
Fall (9x)

So I find myself right here
About to lean over the edge
In your arms I have no fear

There is no safer place than here in your embrace
So catch me if I fall

Just fall, don't be afraid
Fall, 'cause I'm on my way, fall, with all of my faith, (in love)
Fall, it will be ok, Fall, there's no other way
Fall Just Fall (in love) (2x)

Just fall, don't be afraid
Fall, 'cause I'm on my way, Fall, with all of my faith, (in love)
Just fall, it will be ok, Fall, there's no other way
Fall Just Fall in love (2x)

Fall (8x)

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