


how do I know if you're feeling the same as me?

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 05.11.2008 13:42

Näin Kaksosesta sanotaan alan kirjallisuudessa:

Kaksosia luonnehditaan henkilöiksi, joihin ei voi olla rakastumatta. Kaksonen ei koskaan lakkaa innostumasta ja etsii aina jotain uutta elämäänsä. Kaksosia pidetään hurmaavina ilmestyksinä, joiden karisma ei jää huomaamatta. Heidän vilkas ja nokkela luonteensa nauttii arvoituksista, matkailusta ja uusien ihmisten seurasta.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 05.11.2008 13:34

oon sun hellas<3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 04.11.2008 19:03

Sami on sekasin!!!!!!!
ja Sirii keittää meille kahvii<3 :)

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 03.11.2008 20:32

ankeeta -.-
kaikki on jossai..
siiri nukkuu.
viivi on kipee.
pauli on viivil o.O
meikä dataa kirjastos :'>>>>
omistan elämän.

soitelkaa bitches!

The end of this chapter - Sonata ArcticaSunnuntai 02.11.2008 14:33

Well well... How are you?
Ah... Who is this?
Who do you think this is?
Stop it. Who is this?
You know very well who I am... You almost got away from me, didn't you?
Oh my God... You can't be. You can't be!
Oui oui, mon amour... C'est moi!

Chapter One
I gave you my time
I gave you my whole life
I gave you my love, every dime
They told me it was... a crime

Do you remember?
Or did it all go in vain...

Chapter Two
I looked in the light, I sat in your coalmine
The promise they made, I should keep?
Make sure that we would never meet

I can't remember
The promise I made so deep

Tell me that past times won't die...
Tell me that old lies are alive

Chapter Three
Across darkened skies, I travelled without a light
I sank in the well of my mind
Too deep, never to be found

I can't remember...
How could you be so vain...

Tell me that past times won't die...
Tell me that old lies are alive
Love that expired too long time ago
Kills me, it thrills me...

Chapter Four
You have new love and
It looks good on you
I have never wished you dead, yet.

You can now have all the things I could never give to you
Look out the window "c'est moi"...

Chapter Five
I'm sorry, I am here
I'm not sure if it should bring you fear
I whisper in your ear
Why is he here?

Chapter six
While you are sleeping, I steal your ear ring
Light you one candle, this anger I handle

They said I won't find you, but now I'm beside you
I'm not all that stable
You should know by now that you are mine...

Tell me that old times won´t die...
Tell me that old lies are alive

I tell you that past times won´t die...
I tell you that old lies are alive
Love due to expire too long time ago
Kills me, it will kill you too

Past times won't die...
I tell you old lies are alive
Hate to conspire too long time ago
Kill me, please kill me before

Tell you that past times wont die...

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.11.2008 13:42

The uusioperhe has arrived the building!

Ps. Jurmokii sano niit uusioperheeks :'DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Thanks Zurmo, ollaa samoil linjoil<3

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 30.10.2008 20:08

Ns. ex-mieheni on nykyään osallisena uusioperheen arjessa.
Onnee sille!</3

hhm?Maanantai 27.10.2008 21:04

must alkaa tuntuu et oon ilkee. vaik vihaan ihmisii,
jotka puhuu paskaa selän takaan, nii alan tekemää samal taval.

Itsehän olen ihana.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 24.10.2008 19:53

koht värjään siirin hiiskut ja sit veeralle -->