Here is a questionaire I've been asked to fill. Fun, lets see.
Whats your name?
How much candles do you have in your room?
When have you been showering the last time?
Just one hour ago
Which song are you listening to right now?
Peacock by Katy Perry
How much CD's do you own?
oh , too much haha
Do you have children?
Do you want some in the future?
Yes, I think so, I dunno, I'll be spontanious
Are you in love?
Only with my bed lately, we have a never ending relationship I guess ;)
What are you looking in a guy you meet?
Well, I guess the first thing you see is the face of course, but much more important is the humour. I love people with a good sense of humour :)
With who have you phoned the last time?
My Mom, we talk like every day on the phone
When have you cried the last time?
I think it was when I saw a movie. I start crying so easily while listen to songs or watching movies ;) It's horrible
What are you thinking of right now?
I wonder were I bought this awesome bottle of redwine
How are you feeling right now?
Pretty okay, my little stomach feels like bursting every minute
What are you eating for breakfast usually?
Children & Cats.. noo just kidding ;) Usually I don't have time for breakfast
Which is your fav country?
Oh hard question, I think every country has sth beautiful. But I think there will be always something magical in my home country Bulgaria
Fav Sport?
Dancing, Gym & Snowboarding
Whats under your bed?
a monster of course
How was your weekend?
How much pillows are on your bed?
Do you have piercings or tattoos?
Yep ;)
Writing or reading?
Sunset or Sunrise?
Sunset, whenever I see the sunrise means I have to get up early uhh ;)
Do you wear a necklace?
uhh... yes. The world can move on, I wear a necklace (really important fact ;)
Which colour has your underwear?
Red red reeed
What was the last sentence you said to your Mother?
Please don't panic, love you, see you soon ;)
How big is your bed?
Big enough ;)
Which colour has the door in the room you are right now?
thisissodamnrandom. Pink
Are you hungry?
No, I'm going to burst every minute
Do you have pets?
Yes, a dog called Bentley. Tho I wish I would have time for a kitty cat again buhu
When have you been outside the last time?
2 hours ago?
Why did you came in?
I didnt wanted to sleep in the car ;D not tonight
Which season do you like the most?
Are you drunk right now?
haha no
Which colour has the chair you're sitting on?
I'm sitting on my super comfortable couch right now
THANKS for this super random questions. I love wasting time ;)