


IT asioiden ylläpidosta huolehtija

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- Vanhemmat »

Hei!Maanantai 09.10.2017 14:30

Olen IT-velho OGU .44


int Weight = 65;
int Height = 182;
int Age = 22;
int SummoningID = 4;

CV: Through the leveling from lv. 5-22 OGU has had training in the following areas: tennis, baseball, wrestling, skateboarding, snowboarding, gymnastics, diving, swimming, radio communications, electronics, electricity, english, game programming, scouting (detecting military forces / vehicles) , firearm and explosive training and most important of all making a fool out of himself, in that category he has exceeded most of human kind.


Character lore:

Born on rivers mouth, OGU began his journey by leveling through the tutorial phase (lv. 0-3) whilst living in Joensuu, more precisely in the industrial area, in an apartment behind "Tavaratori". As a Sagittarius he had the privilege to carry the basic Agility and Accuracy passive buffs from the start. Those two are compensated by carelessness and clumsiness.

Character social:

As a person, very autistic. Clinging onto trivialities, a smartass if you will. Shy and outgoing. Doesn't really obtain feelings until they are required. Sometimes trying to avoid being rude, sometimes ruthless when it comes to serving verbal justice. Usually needs company, but soon after always returns to solidarity.

Character dream: Husky Doggo

SOS no brakesSunnuntai 08.10.2017 15:36

Guidance required, OGUbot malfunction. Please contact owner...

Owner.dll missing, OG.exe will now force shutdown system.

Fast ForwardSunnuntai 08.10.2017 02:21

There is one, and zero is nothing.
But these two are nothing without each other.
Found one possibility, denied by a theory.
Could you propose another reality?
Find the loophole we all missed sincerely?

Doubtful we may be, but your chances are equal, determination is key.

Please tell me im wrong.

Various other channels are hosted and up kept by OGU, feel free to troll.


Steam: O.G.U .44
BattleNet: Zosku#2860
Origin: OGU420

Moi.Lauantai 07.10.2017 01:18

Tykkään pihvistä

Esc.Torstai 05.10.2017 15:03

01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110101 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01110011 01110111 01100101 01110010

In case of you were about to ask me how to.... Just letting you know.
- Vanhemmat »