Step 1: Put your playlist on random.
Step 2: Pick your favourite lines from the first 15 songs that play.
Step 3: Post and let people guess what song the lines come from.
1. I'm a psychopath and I create the aftermath/ That sets the sun forever - on you
2.Here it comes /You better hide/ Shoot the guns/ You're gonna die
3. You love to hate me/ But you won't kill me /Suicidal surge/ Desensitize the world
4. Fight for freedom, fight authority/ Fight for anything, my country tis' of me
5. living hell is not so bad you bet your life there's gonna be a fight you bet your life because the hills have eyes
6. there's a time and place for everything, for everyone we can push with all our might, but nothing's gonna come
7. Split your lungs with blood and thunder/ When you see the white whale/ Break your backs and crack your oars men/ If you wish to prevail
8. These are words of wisdom—let it be/ I wake up to the sound of music/ Let the metal come to me/ Death to the one that will not let it be
9. I don't believe that anybody feels/ The way I do about you now
10. We really need to see this through/ we never wanted to be abused/ we'll never give up, it's no use/ if we're fucked up, you're to blame
11. Close my eyes from the burning/ All along all the while it‘s true / Take it on, or turn your back/ Either way, you can‘t escape it
12. Sometimes I cannot take this place./ Sometimes it's my life I can't taste./ Sometimes I cannot feel my face./ You'll never see me fall from grace
13. Any time I want, I got a right to speak/ No matter what they say /Any time I want, I got a right to sin/ No matter what they say
14. I am the menace in your eyes/ The one you can't escape/ Your life falls in my grasp/ Your know your end is near
15.i sing the blues for you/ now i'm standing in the pouring rain/ my feet are cold but i cant complain/ and i wonder how you have been
myönnetään et olis voinu tulla parempiiki biisei, mut minkäs sille suflelle voi.