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heihouTiistai 06.10.2009 18:25

Miks kaikki itkee tästä uudesta galleriasta vittu ookste jtn vammasii pikkupillui.

Tää on just kiva :DDD

ps. pääsin inssin läpi pellet.!

Röstiperunat ja spermaisetnakit.Tiistai 06.10.2009 02:56

Huomen inssi laalaa

yghmhgmgfMaanantai 05.10.2009 10:20


penis?!Lauantai 03.10.2009 23:30

äöyLauantai 26.09.2009 12:54

masabyyyy kutsuuuu heihei! -->

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.09.2009 18:19

So now you're running
It's hard to see clearly
When I make you angry
You're stuck in the past

And now you're screaming
So can you forgive me?
I've treated you badly
But I am still here

<3Tiistai 22.09.2009 00:04

You're someone to the world
And you're the world for someone
You really think you have a future without me?
There's a place not far away
Where I want to take you
The first snowfall is always the whitest

Alone again in my broken dreams
What is love if not a psychic suicide
Alone again in my restless dreams
Love is nothing but a psychic suicide

Täääki koht <3Sunnuntai 20.09.2009 18:50

Why the fuck can I not hail a taxi?
arm out like a Nazi - every cunt's driving past
where the fuck is everyone?
I can't see anyone. I can't see anything!

the hardest part of today is a hangover
empty bottles and empty promises
I got every person I need
and it's gonna be one hell of a messy night!
I can't remember last night. I can't remember anything!

"Party til you pass out, drink til' you're dead.
Dance all night til you can't feel your legs"
We are done with giving a fuck

Näillä mennään.Sunnuntai 20.09.2009 06:14

Hetkeksi hengähdän,
joku valot sammuttaa.
Kaupunkimme nukkuu.
Vain minä valveilla oon,
eikä vierelläin ketään.
Kaikki muut nukkuu.

Jätän valoni palamaan,
jos joku näkisi sen ja
löytäis mun luo.