
Secret ShowLauantai 13.02.2010 18:33

YOU will have the oportunity to be in the zero moment of Tokio Hotel's tour! YOU and only a very restricted number of people will attend to the tour kick off. Though the format is not the same as one of a normal concert, EVERYONE that get in Optimus plane will be able to meet Tokio Hotel personally!

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Take off to the location
7:00 PM (CET)
8:40 PM - 11:40 PM (CET)

in an european capital city (it's still secret), but it'll probably be Luxembourg

KIVA! En ees viitti osallistuu tohon, ku jos voittaa nii pitää ite maksaa lennot Lissaboniin ja taksa, ku se lento mikä menee sinne missä toi tapahtuma on, lähtee Lissabonista. Mut vähä kiva. Lentokone täynnä TH faneja :D:D

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