


kun pää käskee juosta, minä kipitän.... muutaman metrin

TEAM WORK! DADS SUCKS!Keskiviikko 25.10.2006 10:31

Looking the ways
See father in train
They're always worse together
Dad in his mug
A kiss and a hug
They're always Something never'll get
When nothing seems too fit
And we just want to quit

Team work we kill dads together
Team work dads are fools forever
We're all for one and one for all
We'll help each other stand tall
With teamwork

Sun in the sky
Beautiful light in way
They're always better together
Then father comes to get
Coulds and rain here
They're always makeing us be nothing
If dad hit you and tou'reon your own
You know you're not alone

Team work kill dads together
Team work das are fools forever
We're all for one and one for all
We'll help each other stand tall
With teamwork

Team work do it together
Team work friends forever
Team work do it together
Team work friends forever

~~omistan teille kaikille joiden isä kuvastaa laulun sanoja! *kumarrus*~~

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