


Youre just jelous, because the voices talk only to me

Queens of the stone age <3<3<3<3<3<3Keskiviikko 30.07.2008 20:20

We get some rules to follow
That and this
These and those
No one knows

We get these pills to swallow
How they stick
In your throat
Tastes like gold

Oh, what you do to me
No one knows

And I realize youÂ’re mine
Indeed a fool of mine
And I realize youÂ’re mine
Indeed a fool of mine

I journey through the desert
Of the mind
With no hope
I found low

I drift along the ocean
Dead lifeboats in the sun
And come undone

Pleasently caving in
I come undone

And I realize youÂ’re mine
Indeed a fool of mine
And I realize youÂ’re mine
Indeed a fool and mine

Heaven smiles above me
What a gift there below
But no one knows

A gift that you give to me
No one knows

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