


Patinoitunu Runomies, enkä.

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Eminem - PukeMaanantai 05.04.2010 21:30

There I go
thinking of you again

You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fucking sick to my stomach
Every time I think of you, I puke
You must just not know
You may not think you do, but you do
Every time I think of you I puke

I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little
But from of the dome would probably be a little more, more
suitable for this type of song ― whoa
I got a million reasons off the top of my head that I could
think of
Sixteen bars, this ain't enough to put some ink ta
So fuck it, I'ma start right here by just be brief-a
Bout to rattle off some other reasons
I knew I shouldn't go and get another tattoo of you
On my arm, but what do I go and do
I go and get another one, now I got two
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
I'm sittin' here with your name on my skin
I can't believe I went and did this stupid shit again
My next girlfriend, now her name's gotta be Kim
If you only knew how much I hated you
For every motherfuckin' thing you ever put us through
Then I wouldn't be standing here crying over you


I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little
But I thought a song would probably be a little better
Instead of a letter
That you'd probably just shred up ― yeah
I stumbled on your picture yesterday and it made me stop and
think of
How much of a waste it'd be for me to put some ink to, a stupid
piece a
Paper, I'd rather let you see how
Much I fucking hate you in a freestyle
You're a fucking coke-head, I hope you fucking die
I hope you get to hell and Satan sticks a needle in your eye
I hate your fucking guts, you fucking slut, I hope you die
But please don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or mad
It's not that I still love you, it's not 'cause I want you back

It's just that when I think of you, it makes me wanna
What else can I do, I haven't got a clue
Now I guess I'll just move on, I have no choice but to
But every time I think of you now, all I wanna do
Is pu-uu-uu-uu-uu-uu-uke


Fucking bitch

Eminem - MoshSunnuntai 04.04.2010 03:00

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One nation under God

It feels so good to be back

Scrutinize every word, memorize every line
I spit it once, refuel, re-energize and rewind
I give sight to the blind, my insight through the mind
I exercise my right to express when I feel it's time
It's just all in your mind, what you interpret it as
I say to fight, you take it as I'ma whip someone's ass
If you don't understand, don't even bother to ask
A father who has grown up with a fatherless past
Who has blown up now to rap phenomenon, that has,
or at least shows, no difficulty multi-task
and in juggling both, perhaps mastered his craft
slash entrepreneur, who has helped launch a few more rap bags
Who's had a few obstacles thrown his way, through the last half
of his career, typical manure, moving past that
Mr. Kisses Ass crack, he's a class act
Rubber band man, yeah, he just snaps back

Come along, follow me, as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength
Come with me, and I won't steer you wrong
Put your faith and your trust, as I guide us through the fog
To the light at the end of the tunnel
We gon' fight, we gon' charge, we gon' stomp
We gon' march through the swamp
We gon' mosh through the marsh
Take us right through the doors
Come on

All the people up top, on the side and the middle
Come together, lets all bomb and swamp just a little
Just let it gradually build, from the front to the back
All you can see is a sea of people, some white and some black
Don't matter what color, all that matters we're gathered together
To celebrate for the same cause, don't matter the weather
If it rains let it rain, yeah, the wetter the better
They ain't gon' stop us, they can't, we're stronger now more than ever
They tell us "no", we say "yeah"; they tell us "stop", we say "go"
Rebel with a rebel yell, raise hell, we gon' let em know
Stomp, push, shove, mush, fuck Bush, until they bring our troops home, c'mon


Imagine it pouring, it's raining down on us
Mosh pits outside the oval office
Someone's tryin' to tell us something,
Maybe this is god just sayin' we're responsible
For this monster, this coward, that we have empowered
This is Bin Laden, look at his head noddin'
How could we allow something like this without pumpin' our fists
Now this is our final hour
Let me be the voice in your strength and your choice
Let me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noise
Try to amplify it times it, and multiply by six
Teen million people, are equal at this high pitch
Maybe we can reach Al-Qaida through my speech
Let the president answer a higher anarchy
Strap him with an AK-47, let him go fight his own war
Let him impress daddy that way
No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our own soil
No more psychological warfare, to trick us to thinking that we ain't loyal
If we don't serve our own country, we're patronizin' a hero
Look in his eyes, it's all lies
The stars and stripes, they've been swiped, washed out and wiped
And replaced with his own face, mosh now or die
If I get sniped tonight you know why, 'cause I told you to fight.


And as we proceed,
To mosh through this desert storm,
In these closing statements, if they should argue
Let us beg to differ
As we set aside our differences
And assemble our own army
To disarm this Weapon of Mass Destruction
That we call our President, for the present
And mosh for the future of our next generation
To speak and be heard
Mr. President, Mr. Senator

Do you guy's hear us?

Eminem - Kuten lelusotilaatLauantai 03.04.2010 02:24

Askel askeleelta, sydän sydämeltä, vasen oikea vasen
Me kaikki kaadumme alas
Askel askeleelta, sydän sydämelta, vasen oikea vasen
Me kaikki kaadumme alas kuin lelusotilaat
Pala palalta repeydymme irti, emme koskaan voita
Mutta taistelu lietsoo lelusotilaita

Minun oletaan olevan sotilas joka ei koskaan menetä malttiaan
Jopa kun taakallani on koko maailman paino
Minun ei oleteta koskaan näyttävän sitä, joukkoni ei oleteta tietävän sitä
Jopa jos se tarkoittaa menemistä askel askeleelta Benzinon kanssa, se ei haittaa
En koskaan kisko heitä taisteluun jotka pysty käsittelemään itse, minun vain tarvitsee
Minun odotetaan antavan esimerkit, minun tarvitsee olla johtaja
Minun joukkoni odottavat minun jodattavan heitä
Jos jotain paskaa tulee jostain esiin, minun oletetaan olevan heidän rinnallaan
Se Ja paska, yritin liiskata sen, oli vain liian myöhäistä pysäyttää se
On kuitenkin yksinkertainen linja, et vain ylitä sitä, ja hän ylitti sen
Kuulin hänen sanovan Hailien nimen laulussa ja menin aivan sekaisin
Se oli hullua, tämä paska menee yli Jay Z:n ja Nas:n paskan
Ja vaikka taistelu oli voitettu, tuntuu kuin olisimme hävinneet sen
Laitoin niin paljon energiaa peliin, rehellisesti sanottuna olen uupunut
Olin niin sen pauloissa että tuntui melkein kuin olisin aiheuttanut sen
Tämän vuoksi en ole hip-hop alalla, se ei ole syy miksi innostuin siitä
Nyt se ei koskaan ole tarkoitukseni jos joku tapetaan
Miksi haluisin tuhota jotain mitä autoin rakentamaan
Se ei ollut aikomukseni, aikomukseni olivat hyvät
Minua ei koskaan urallani mainuttu
Ja se vain on niin poissa luottamuksesta jota en sano ääneen
Ja puhuin jostain josta en edes tiennyt mitään
Plus Dre pyysi minua pysymään poissa, se ei vain ollut hetkeni, joten tein niin
Astuin vain taaksepäin katsoin ja kiristelin hampaitani kun hän oli kaikkialla TV:ssä
Nyt puhun miehestä joka kirjaimellisesti pelasti elämäni, paskat siitä
Ymmärrän, tämä on bisnestä ja tämä paska ole ollenkaan minulle
Mutta silti tiedän että tämä paska saattaa antaa mahdollisuuden minä minuuttina hyvänsä


Se oli aikaa jolloin voisit vain sanoa rytmin
Eikä sinun pitänyt murehtia läheistesi kuolemasta
Mutta nyt se on ilmeisempää, koska kerran kun laitat jonkun lapsen kokemaan sen
Paksa vain yltyy, ne eivät ole enää vain sanoja, onko se?
Se on erilainen pallopeli, nimittelyä ja et vain räppää
Me itseasiassa yritimme pelastaa 50 ja Ja:n tapahtuneelta
Minä ja Dre olemme istuneet hänen kanssaan, potkineet häntä ja keskustelleet hänen kanssaan
Ja pyytäneet häntä olemasta aloittamatta sitä, hän ei aikonut mennä hänen peräänsä
Kunnes Ja alkoi räyhäsi lehdessä kuinka hän iski häntä
Haista paska 50, iske häntä, iske häntä, ja anna hänen saada se
Sillävälin aikomukseni lähtivät toisiin suuntiin
Jotkut vastaanottovirkailijat sanoivat lähteen jotka vastaisivat puhelimeen
Hänen työpydällään oli rakennelma minulle ja luulen että olisin hänen ylösnousemuksensa
Yritin puhaltaa pölyn hänen miksitään ja tehdä uuden levyn
Mutta nyt hän pilasi pelin koska yksi tie mistä tulin
Oli julkistettu, sama jonka ansiosta tulin kuuluisaksi
Nyt sen omistaja kantaa kaunaa minulle, vain vittuillakseen
Että kusipää voi saada sen myös, hittoon ne
Mutta olen niin kiireinen painuessani hiiteen, en lopeta ajattelemista
Että me vain perimme 50:n rahat murha osakkeessa
Ja hän peri minun, mikä on ihan okei, se ei ole kummankaan mieleen
Silti minulla on sotilaita jotka ovat etujoukoisssa kuolemassa vuokseni
Heti kun annamme ohjeet, he eivät koskaan kiristä meitä
Tiukasti näyttäen että he kannattavat meitä
Ehkä huudamme hielle räpin tahtiin kertosäkeen näyttääksemme että rakastamme heitä
Ja näyttääksemme heille kuinka tärekeää on saada Runyon Avenue sotilaat
Heidän uskollisuutensa meitä kohtaan on enemmän kuin yksikään palkinto
Mutta en yritä saada yhtään lisää ihmisistäni loukkaantumaan tai tulemaan murhatuksi
Se ei ole sen arvoista, en keksi täydellisempää tapaa sanoa sitä
Sitten vain sanoakseni että rakastan teitä kaikki niin paljon etten voi nähdä tuomiota
Kävelen pois siitä kaikesta ennenkuin annan tapahtua enää mitään enempää
Nyt älä hämmenny, ei se ole anomus jota kopioin
Minä vain aion olla suurempi mies
Jos te kaikki voitte lopettaa tavan hypätä kitaan
Koska suoraan sanottuna, olen kyllästynyt puhumiseen
En aio antaa jonkun muun maata arkussa kun olen tajuissani


Eminem - Like Toy SoldiersPerjantai 02.04.2010 01:28

Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
We all fall down
Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
We all fall down like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart We never win
But the battle wages on for toy soldiers

I'm suppose to be the soldier who never blows his composure
Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
I ain't never suppose to show it, my crew ain't suppose to know it
Even if it means going toe to toe with the Benzino, it don't matter
I never drag 'em in battles that I can handle less I absolutely have to
I'm suppose to set an example, I need to be the leader
My crew looks for me to guide 'em
If some shit ever just pop off I'm suppose to be beside 'em
That Ja shit, I tried to squashed it, it was too late to stop it
There's a certain line, you just don't cross it, and he crossed it
I heard him say Hailie's name on a song and I just lost it
It was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay Z and Nas shit
And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it
I spent so much energy on it, honestly I'm exhausted
I'm so caught it I almost feel like I'm the one who caused it
This ain't what I'm in hip-hop for, it's not why I got in it
Now it's never my object to for someone to get killed
Why would I wanna destroy something I helped build
It wasn't my intentions, my intentions were good
I went through my whole career with out ever mentioning
And that's just outta respect for not running my mouth
And talking about something that I knew nothing about
Plus Dre told me stay out, just wasn't my beef, So I did
I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth while he's all over TV
Now I'm talking a man who literally saved my live, like fuck it
I understand, this is business and this shit just isn't none of my business
But still knowing this shit could pop off at any minute


It used to be time when you could just say a rhyme
And wouldn't have to worry about one of your people dying
But now it's elevated cause once you put someone's kids in it
Shit gets escalated, it ain't just words no more, is it
It's a different ball game, call names and you ain't just rapping
We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happening
Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him
And asked him not to start it, he wasn't gonna go after him
Until Ja start gabbing in magazines how he stabbed him
Fuck it 50, smash him, mash him, and let him have it
Meanwhile my intentions pulley'd in other directions
Some receptionist said the source who answers phones
At his desk has an erection for me and thinks that I'll be his resurrection
Tries to blow the dust of his mic and make a new record
But now he's fucked the game up cause one of the ways I came
Was through that publication, the same one that made me famous
Now the owner of it got a grudge against me for nothing but fuck it
That motha fucker can get it too, fuck 'em then
But I'm so busy being pissed off, I don't stop to think
That we just inherited 50's beef with murder inc
And he's inherited mine, which is fine, ain't like either of us mind
Still have soldiers that is on the front line that's willing to die for us
As soon as we give the orders, never to extort us
Strictly to show they support us
Maybe shout 'em out in a rap or up in chorus to show we love 'em back
And to let 'em know how important is to have Runyon Avenue soldiers up in
our corners
Their loyalty to us is worth more then any award is
But I ain't trying to have none of me people hurt or murdered
It ain't worth it, I can't think of a perfecter way to word it
Then to just say that I love y'all too much to see the verdict
I'll walk away from it all before I'll let it go any further
Now don't get it twisted, it's not a plea that I'm coping
I'm just willing to be the bigger man
If y'all can quiet popping off at the jaws with the knocking
Cause frankly I'm sick of talking
I'm not gonna let someone else's coffin rest on my conscious


Eminem - Yellow Brick RoadSunnuntai 28.03.2010 16:35

What we have to do is deal with it when these individuals are
young enough. If you wish to be
saved, not in a religious sense but not to constitute what this
country at times calls if or
which over. We seem to be approaching an age of the gross. We
all have this idea that we should
move up from our parents station and each generation should do a
little bit better

Come on, let's cut the bullshit enough
Let's get it started, let's start addressing this issue and open
it up
Let's take this shit back to bass mint
And we can discuss statements thats made on this tape
And its whole origin of the music that we all know and love
The music that we all enjoy the music you all accuse me of trying to
Let's rewind it to 89 when I was a boy on the east side of
Crossing 8 Mile in the border in the hate territory
I'd like to share a story, this is my story and cant no body
tell it for me
You will well inform me, I am well aware that I don't belong
You've made that perfectly clear, I get my ass kicked damn near
From Bel-Air shopping center just for stopping in there
From the black side all the way to the white side
Okay there's a bright side a day that I might slide
You may call it a past I call it hauling my ass
Through that patch of grass over them railroad tracks
Oh them railroad tracks, them old railroad tracks
Them good old notorious oh well known tracks

Come on lets go back
Follow the yellow brick road as we go on another episode
Journey with me as I take you through this nifty little place
I once used to call home sweet home


I roam the streets so much they call me a drifter
Sometimes I stick up a thumb just to hitch hike
Just to get picked up to get me a lift to 8 mile and Van Dyke
And steal a god damn bike from somebody's backyard
And drop it off at the park that was the half way mark
To meet Kim had to walk back to her mama's them dramas after
To sneak me in the house when I'm kicked out my mom's
Thats about the time I first met Proof when poof he'd carry on
the set
Set eyes born in and out some flyers, he was doing some talent
At center line, I had told him to stop by and check this out
He looked at me like I'm out my mind shook his head like white
boys don't know how to rhyme
I spit out a line and rhymed birthday with first place
And we both had the same rhymes that sound alike
We was on the same shit that Big Daddy Kane shit with compound
syllables sound combined
From that day we was down to ride somehow we knew we'd meet
again somewhere down the line

refrain (2x)

My first year in 9th grade, can't forget that day at school
It was cool till your man MC Sham came through
And said that Boom was the brain 'cause the clan makes troops
It was rumors but man god damned they flew
Must've been true because man we done banned they shoes
I had the new ones the Cool J, Ice land swayed too
And we just through them in the trash like they yesterday's
Guess who came through next, X clam debut
Professor X and glorious exists in a state of red, black, and
With a key sissies now with this being a new trend
We don't fit in crackers is out with Cactus albums
Blackness is in, African symbols and medallions
Represents black power and we ain't know what it meant
Me and my man Howard and would go to the mall with 'em
All over our necks like we're showing 'em off not knowing at all
We was being laughed at you ain't even half black
You ain't supposed to have that homie let me grab that
And that Flavor Flave clock we gonna have to snatch that
All I remember is meeting back at Manix's basement
Saying how we hate this, our races wit dope the x clan take this
Which reminds me back in 89 me and Kim broke up for the first
She was trying to two time me and there was this black girl
At our school who thought I was cool 'cause I rapped so she was
kinda eyeing me
And oh the irony guess what her name was ain't even gonna say it
The same color hair as hers was and blue contacts and a pair of
The bombest god damn girl in our whole school if I could pull
Not only would I become more popular but I would be able to piss
Kim off at the same time
But it backfired I was supposed to dump her but she dumped me
for this black guy
And thats the last I ever seen or heard or spoke to the oh
foolish pride girl
But I've heard people say they heard the tape and it ain't that
But it was I singled out a whole race and for that apologize
I was wrong 'cause no matter what color a girl is she still a

refrain (2x)

Eminem - Never EnoughLauantai 27.03.2010 02:10

There's not much you could do or say to phase me
People think I'm a little bit crazy
I get it from all angles, even occasionally Doc Dre-zie'll
Have to step in every once in a while to save me
To make me stop and think about it 'fore I just say things
Sometimes I forget what other people just may think
A lot of rappers finally wouldn't know how to take me
If they heard some shit, I'd lay the tape 'fore they erase me
I maybe a little too fast paced and racy
Sometimes the average listener rewinds and plays me twenty times
'cause I say so many rhymes, it may seem like I'm goin too fast 'cause my mind is racing
And I could give a fuck what category you place me
Long as when I'm pushing up daisies and gone
As long as you place me amongst one of them greats
When I hit the heavenly gates I'll be cool beside Jay-Z
For every single die hard fan who embraced me
I'm thankful for the talent in which God gave me
And I'm thankful for the environment that he placed me
Believe it or not, I thank my mom for how she raised me
In the neighborhood daily, they jumped and chased me
It only made me what I am today, see
Regardless of what anybody believes who hates me
You ain't gonna make or break me
Tryna strip me of my credibility and make me look fake, G
You're only gonna be in for a rude awakening
'Cause sooner or later you haters are all gonna face me
And when you face me with all the shit you've been saving to say to me
You had all this time to think about it
Now don't pussy out and try to wimp out, face me
'Cause I've been patiently waiting for the day
That we finally meet in the same place to see

No matter how many battles I been in and won
No matter how many magazines on my nuts
No matter how many emcees I end up
Ooh ooh, it's never enough

My flow's untouchable now you gotta face it
Uh oh, it gets worse when I go back to the basics
You go say the wrong shit and get your face split
The smell of victory, love it so much I can taste it
The spot my talk, it blaze a direct hit
Graze it, your peace talk, save it
You shit sounds dated, you're overrated
I'm obligated to study your moves then crush you mutherfuckers
If I'm the best and the worst, then God's gift is a curse
Soldier trained to destroy, you payin' attention boy?
I spit shit, slick shit, so quick you miss it
To be specific I go ballistic as hieroglyphic
My music is a drug, press play, you ain't gotta sniff it
Chew it or pop it, roll a bag of the chocolate
Get your high over and over, but you gotta cop it
When it's hot, it's hot
Your hatin' is undeniable, stop it


Eminem - Evil DeedsSunnuntai 21.03.2010 21:31

Father please forgive me for I know not what I do.
I just never had the chance to ever meet you.
Therefore I did not know that I would grow to be
my mother's evil seed and do these evil deeds.

Momma had a baby and it's head popped off.
My momma don't want me, next thing I know I'm getting dropped off.
Ring ring ring went the doorbell and the next door neighbors on their front door.
But they didn't want me neither, so they left me on someone else's lawn.
Till somebody finally took me in, my great aunt and uncle Edna and Charles.
They were the ones who were left in charge.
In elementary the came to me and sang this song.
It went a little something like “Marry had a little lamb.
Debbie had a Satan spawn."
Momma, why do they keep saying this? I just don't understand.
And by the way, where's my dad?


Predominantly. Predominantly. Everything's always predominantly.
Predominantly white. Predominantly black.
But what about me? Where does that leave me?
I guess I'm in between predominantly both of 'em.
I think if I hear that fucking word again I'mma scream.
Wild projectile, vomiting. What do I look like, a comedian to you?
Do you think I'm kidding? Do I look like some kind of idi-
Wait a minute, shit, don't answer that. Why am I so misunderstood?
Why do I go through so much bullshit, it's such bullshit, touch this bitch.
Woe is me. There goes poor Marshall again,
whining about his millions and his fortune and
his sorrow he's always drowning in
and the dad that he never had and how his childhood was so bad
and how mom was a dope addict and his ex how they go at it.
Man, I'd hate to have it as bad as that Mr. Mathers claims he had it.
Man, I can't imagine it. That little rich poor white bastard needs to
take some of that cash out of the bank and take a bath in it.
Man, if I only had half of it...
If you only knew the half of it...


Evil deeds, while I plant these evil seeds.
Please release me from these evil demons
I never had any of this shit planned, mom, please believe.
I don't wanna be Satan's spawn.
Never got the chance to say I'm sorry.
Now look at all the pain I caused.
Santa Clause, why you not coming this year again?
What did I do that was so bad to deserve this?
Everything coulda been so perfect, like life in a fairy tail
I'm bout to be hoist up in the air.
40 feet below me, there's people everywhere.
I don't even know what it feel like, 'cause they know me. I'm in despair.
All I wanna do is go to the mall and take Hailey on that carousel.
With out this crowd everywhere I go. But life is like a merry-go-round.
Now here we go. Now dosie-do. Now curtains up, the show must go.
Now ring-around-the rosie. The shows over. You can all go home now.
But the curtain just don't close for me. This ain't how fame is supposed to be.
Where's the switch I can just turn off and on? This ain't what I chose to be.
So please, God, give me the strength to give me what it takes to carry on.
Till I pass 50 back the baton, the camera's on. My song is gone.


Oh! Yeah, last one, baby... Let's go... DETROIT!

Marja Tyrni - Suut Makiaks!Sunnuntai 21.03.2010 00:24

Ai kamala...nyt lähtee disco:
Ihanaa, Suomen kansa!
Terveisiä Turun Pallivahasta!
Nyt aletaan leipomaan ja
laitetaan pullat uuniin ja
samalla vähän jumpataan.
Oi! Näin!
Liikettä lantioon ja tortut kostumaan.
Suut makiaks koko Suomen kansa!

Uuni on kuumana aamusta asti
Tyrni kun ryhtyy hommiin.
Torttua hellästi kostuttaa
luottaa munaan ja rommiin.
Tyrnin Marja mallia näyttää
hillolla tortun täyttää.
Silloin tällöin reissuillansa
matkavatkainta käyttää.

Uuni on kuumana aamusta asti
sinne se pannaan se lasti.
Marja kun jakaa torttuansa,
suut makiaks, Suomen kansa!

Ai että tätä discon jytkettä.
Tässä jää Zumba-tuntikin kakkoseks.
Olo on ku ruottinlaivalla ku
miesvainaan Eikan kanssa ennen vanhaan
bailattiin ja laitettiin suut makiaks aina Buffetissa.
Syötiin ja juotiin niin paljon kun napa veti.
No, Eikka jätti minut mokoma leskeks sitte.
Laitto liikaa suuta makiaks
ja menehty liikalihavuuteen.
No, ei voi mitään.

No nyt lähtee jo kertosäe.
En ehtiny mukaan, kamala.
No nyt mennään:
Joka poika saa kohta piirakkaa nyt,
Tyrni kun ryhtyy hommiin.
Torttua hellästi kostuttaa
luottaa munaan ja rommiin.

Ja Korpelan Tommiin tietty.
Meinas unohtua.
Siinä on mies minun makuuni.
Nyt ku joku levymoguli kuulis,
Asko Kallonen, soita minulle!
Lyödään rahoiks.
Saadaan hilloa tortun päälle.
Ai kamala, tulee hiki kun kokkaa.
Ai että torttuki kostuu iha iteksee tässä ku
vähän jumppaa ja
laittaa Lintan kenkää Kallelleen
ja Kallen kenkää Lintalleen.

No niin,
nyt leivotaan, Suomen kansa!
Siitä vaan,
eteen ja taakse.
Eteen ja taakse.
Pullat uuniin, pullat pois.
Pullat uuniin, pullat pois.

(1,5x kertosäe)

Tämä on tuttu kappale,
tämä on Jaakko Kolmosen bisi.
Hän on säveltänyt tämän.
Ihanaa, Suomen kansa!
Vuoden vaihteessa kuntosalit, uimahallit ja jumpparyhmät ovat tupaten täynnä. Uuden vuoden alkaessa monella on mielessä kunnon kohottaminen, terveellisemmät elämäntavat ja painonpudottaminen. Mutta niin usein päätös terveellisemmistä elämäntavoista hiipuu uuden vuoden vaihtuessa. Mutta, entäpä jos tänä vuonna into jatkuisi vielä maaliskuuhun, kesäkuuhun ja aina joulukuuhun asti? Ja että keventäminen jatkuisi todelliseen elämänmuutokseen asti? Sehän on se tavoite, mutta miksi sitten usein into hiipuu?

Mistä olet tulossa?

Sanonta sanoo, että hyvin suunniteltu on puoliksi tehty. Tämä pätee myös elämäntapamuutoksissa. Ensin on hyvä miettiä, mitä olet aiemmin tehnyt terveyden eteen, miten aiemmat painonhallintayritykset ovat sujuneet? Painohistorian piirtäminen paperille, saattaa auttaa eteenpäin. Jos aiemmin et ole onnistunut muuttamaan elämätapoja pysyvästi, mitä tällä kertaa voisi tehdä toisin?

Mihin olet menossa?

Mieti, mitä tavoittelet. Tavoite ei ole vain senttejä ja kiloja, vaan miten kevennys vaikuttaa elämääsi, hyvinvointiisi ja terveyteesi. Aseta realistisia tavoitteita, vaikka mielessä siintää 20 kg pudotus, mieti mieluummin pienempiä osatavoitteita. On mukavampaa, kun tavoitteet ovat realistisia ja kohtuullisin ponnisteluin saavutettavissa.

Pieniä askeleita

Elämäntapamuutoksessa on tärkeää edetä hitaasti. Vaikka alussa voisi olla intoa muuttaa kaikki kerralla, mieti, miten kävi viimeksi. Hiipuiko into? Jos kuntosi on huono, pienikin liikunnan lisäys saa paljon aikaan. Jos et meinaa olla koko elämää ilman karkkia, ei sitä kannata kokonaan karsia ruokavaliosta. Älä ajattele laihduttavasi, vaan mieti mieluummin, mitä pysyviä muutoksia teet elämäntapoihin ja niiden avulla myös paino laskee. Liian tiukka ruokavalio ja/tai liikuntaohjelma takaavat yleensä sen, ettei muutos ole pysyvä. Kärsimys ja kituutus ei ole tie onneen, vaan varma tapa tappaa innostus ja motivaatio.

Cheek - Mitä tänne jääLauantai 13.03.2010 16:29

Kautta kiven ja kannon ja oman nimen mä vannon
Et mä vien tän skenen just sinne minne mä tahdon
Liiga päättää miltä suomihiphop kansan korvaan kuulostaa (Liiga!)
Eikä siihen ole näköpiiris muutosta ja

Mieti mitä jää kun mä lähden täältä
Mut ei syytä huoleen
Se päivä ei oo vielä tänään
Ei, ei, ei, ei
Mieti mitä jää kun mä lähden täältä
Kun mä kuolen
Se päivä ei oo vielä tänään
Ei, ei, ei, ei

Mä oon tässä. Pelkkä mikki meidän välissä
J.H.T. ja taas on hitti teillä käsissä
Mä raotan mun maailmaa, sä taidatkin jo tuntee mut
Jos tiedät enemmän kun nimen, ainakin oot kuunnellut
Levyt on ku päiväkirja, tilinpäätös vuodesta
Jo nuoresta antanut niiden puhua mun puolesta
Oon avoin vihkolle, sille voinut vuodattaa
Kun ei kai täällä muihin ole oikeen voinu luottaakaan
Tieto lisää tuskaa, elämä opettaa
Se teki must tällasen, pakotti vetämään kovempaa
Stressaava pessimisti, skeptikko ja kyynikko
Ei synny tasapainoo, mut ehkä taitavin lyyrikko
Ne asettaa paineita, mä otan kaiken vastaan
Se on väistämätöntä, kun maine kasvaa, paineet kasvaa
Mun pitää kehittyy, keskittyy ja ottaa haltuun
Koska täällä jokainen huti on naulaa omaan arkkuun


Mä oon katsellut tääl artistien tulevan ja menevän
Ja jengin heittävän räppiunelmansa menemään
Mut mä tiesin, että duuni tulee kantaa hedelmää
Sen ansiosta kulta-aikaa uudestaan taas eletään
Mut liian harvoin laatuu täällä tulee vastaan keneltkään
Jengin pitäis vääntää jotain upeempaa ja reteempää
Nuorten pitäis astuu esiin, laittaa vastust kehiin
Stand up! missä ikinä sit asuttekin!
En haluis olla yksin täällä, en haluis yksin jäädä
Seistä rokkareiden seassa, ainoon ty-ty-tyylikkäänä
Pitkätukist saa skalpeerattuu päänaukkoja helpommin
Silti uusii MCeit venaillessa jään katsomaan kellooni
Ja mä tiedän, että en oo ainoa joka venaa
Ootko miettinyt mitä tapahtuu jos mä delaan?
Naah... mä elän, tää jatkuu
Ja niin kauan kenenkään ei tarvii pelätä laskuu


Kun on vetänyt muutaman tuhatta biisiä livenä
Pikkuhiljaa tajuu miten mikkiä pidellään
Mul on ote, jonka mä en anna ikinä livetä
Seison kaiken takana mun ristimänimellä (Liiga!)
