I have suffer, this pain so long.
Your my only one, who gives me the light to this darkens.
River takes me away from you. But i still try to fight.
In this river I shout your name.
In this river I have nothing but you.
Like friend's do, you help me towards
These dark torch's show me the way.
But still I cant find you.
O sweet sister, have hope.
In this river I shout your name.
In this river I have nothing but you.
Like friend's do, you help me towards
We had our golden day's, But now they are dark and cold:
We had our ups n down's, again and again.
Now we are in storm and that's way your down.
Sweet sister, come to me. I still love you.
Sweet sister, these scars in my hand's reminds me of you.
Sweet sister, come home tonight