


The Supreme Hierophant

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Love it!Sunnuntai 16.12.2012 17:14

Kun ol kantajani kaonnu
oma emo eestynyt
Hylkäsi hyvä sukuni
omat veljet vierastui
Pois miut koista karkotettiin
ainut suku ajeli
koivunvitsaset käessä
hiekkatielle miut heitettiin
Jouvuin kurja kiertämään
kurja kiertämään
nälän kanssa nääntymään
Jouvuin kurja kiertämään
kurja kiertämään
nälän kanssa nääntymään
Kurja kuun kulkija huudan
valitettelen vaikeuttain
Ei oo kurjalla kotia
valkeutta vierellään
Jouvuin kurja kiertämään
kurja kiertämään
nälän kanssa nääntymään
Pakkasessa parkumaan
päivät parkumaan
viluisena vonkumaan
Minne mennä minne matkota
kuinka kauas kurja kulkea?
Salama satuta
Ukko lyö ylinen Jumala
Värttinä - Mierontie Lyrics

"O those who came from beyond high above!"Sunnuntai 09.12.2012 23:44

"Divine are those who can use the arts of healing. Those who are known to others by name Keeper's of the vortexes. This art-healing is designed to transform emotional consciousness, heal the physical body and awake the spirit within human heart, and retrieving Aura Balancing.

theirs goal was to heal, transform and awaken human consciousness. Awake those who still are in deep sleep. Sleepers will receive an opportunity to observe in a pure and bright way about themselves and the world they living in and to recognize that it is an interior space of a much larger and deeper picture."

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 23.11.2012 06:02

"Oh C'moon people, get loved, get laid a lot and don't screw your life wailing something that you hven't got. Have sex and fun like me in here high above! I'm most of the time of my eternal existence so busy that I've only have time for friendships. And another hand that people are usually uncomfortable with me be cause they have to deal with 700 soul fragments and it's so hard to live in same body - trust me, it's a challenge! And more keeps coming every life time, that doesn't matter when or how - it's just happens.
I am the Collective energy charge, I'm eternal, I'm everywhere."

Family Values doesn't exist!!!Keskiviikko 21.11.2012 07:15

Täysin totta mitä sanotaan, että vaikka kuinka yhteiskunnassa ihannoidaan romantiikkaan perustuvaa rakkaustarinaa, niin yhteiskunta ei koskaan ole pystynyt pysymään fantasia kaaviossaan.

Avioliitto ja perhemuodot ovat vaihdelleet kaikella mahdollisella tavalla läpi historian ja ydinperhe-käsite on suhteellisen uusi juttu, vain 70vuotta vanha tapa elää, eikä ydinperheetkään kestä.

What the Highest One would say?
"Oh C'moon people, get loved, get laid a lot and don't screw your life in some institution. Have sex and fun like me in here high above!"
Do we agree what the Highest One says?[/b]"Yes we do!"

So the conclusion on this quiz is that every lower and Higher Saint agrees with the primordial entity of the universe... And this was the news at when and your lovely host was Stola Amfora... Have a good day!

Surprise, surprise!Sunnuntai 18.11.2012 18:56

Ja minä kun luulin, ettei Raamattu enää minuakaan voisi yllättää - mutta yllätti kuitenkin. Täytyy tosin huomauttaa, että tässäkin tapauksessa englantilainen versio eroaa suomalaisesta taas erityisen paljon, kun suomeksi roomalaiskirje 1:26 menee näin: "Ja sen tähden Jumala on hyljännyt heidät häpeällisiin himoihin....
Englanniksi sama versio: " Because oh this, God gave them over to shameful lusts..."

Eli enkku versiossa Jumala loi homoseksuaalit ja sitten vielä rankaisee heitä siitä, kun taas suomalainen Raamattu antaa ymmärtää, että Jumala vain hylkäsi tämän himokkaan kansan, joka ei Jumalaa kunnioittanut.

Horrible Histories - Stupied Deaths -Lauantai 20.10.2012 12:11

Violentic Death looked tv and instantly was horrified
- "How the humans dare to make such a show of us!?" she shout out to her sisters.
Death of accidents and catastrophies make a little nod and smiled upon her little sister.
- " Why you take it so seriosly?" she asked and showed wallpaper of Final Destination movie to her "Look at this!!! This is the biggest compliment what they ever have gave to me."
But Violentic Death did not approve her older sisters thoughts. She only glare back silently.
"If you really are upset then you should go to the world and add some souls more to yours "to do list.""
And so Death of 'Final Deastination' watched her sister to disapper into the darkness void beyond the red velvet curtains.

Fountain of LifeSunnuntai 14.10.2012 18:15

"What is wrong with you? You look horrible!!!" Atalia Looked at Deallea, the Queen of water.
Whole Deallea's body was covered by black substanse and her hair were slimy and rotted.
"The resource of life itself is dying I'm dying and this world is dying."
Deallea said to Atalia.

Alone high abovePerjantai 05.10.2012 23:07

Enter link URL

If we don't take care of our ecosystem and the apex predators in it - we end up killing the planet itself and us at the same time.

"That is so sad to watch them doing it up here from high." Glasbethra crossed her hands and looked down from the skies.
"Do not worry sis, we are still here when they are gone." replied the woman from shadows.
"But should we do something? I mean that Via told us to take care of their education when she's not here."
"We simply gave them everything: the planet, the life itself and not to mention all the knowledge available out there" cold voice reach Glasbethra "It's their choice if they don't want to listen!"
before Glasbethra could say anything the figure was gone from the shadows and she was alone high above.

"Wait a second! You've wathced Rosericas forbidden mirror? That mirror only show fragments of us and whom we love and we don't have to over power to control it only Roserica has."
"Yes indeed, but wait when you hear what we saw! We witness the birth of new saint - or at least we think we did..."
"That is exactly my point my whole point! Even you do not know what you saw and you jumping conclusions without even thinking it clearly!"

CrystallsPerjantai 24.08.2012 22:12

Pitää muuten sanoa, että kirastalli vedessä 24h saa veden maistumaan paljon paremmalle. :D