


“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

Is there a wolfÂ’s heart in me?Lauantai 30.07.2011 00:53

I remember a pair of eyes
Tracking me nigh midnight
Someone calling me, someone my own,
I feel my mind is changing.

Is there a wolfÂ’s heart in me?!

I will burn my feelings into ashes,
Throw them into the four winds.

But I will leave you my heart,
I carved my name into it with my knife,
It remembers me, it remembers you,
That I stayed true to myself.

Sister, let me go away,
My mind has changed
I will go alone into the woods
Wolfheart in me!

The wind wails my name,
Loneliness my companion,
I will go alone into the woods
Wolfheart in me!


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