
NII SE :DTorstai 20.03.2008 17:43

On kolme tapaa juoda alkoholia:Torstai 20.03.2008 17:34

1. Veden kanssa kuten ruotsalaiset.

2. Ilman vettä kuten venäläiset

3. Niin kuin vettä kuten suomalaiset

In your face Russia and Sweden!

with love:
Your lovely little neighbour in between


oohaaa-a! I'll say, sir! seem to be peeing upon my leg.

-Hrah! What's all this?

Good sir, you seem to be peeing upon my leg.

-Hrah! Well, It seems to me, that your leg is in the way of my pee-stream.

Yes, yes... Well, I'm sure you'd find if you just kindly angled your pee-stream a fraction
to the left, that it would find it's way to the ground quite uninterrupted.

-And I'm quite sure that if you'd move your leg a fraction to the left, it would seize to be peed

Yes, yesyesyes. But! My leg was here first!

-Yes. And still I pee! It seems we have an empêchement (este... ranskaa, hyi)

Yes, I see, but you will eventually run out of pee, which to expel on my leg, thus leaving me the victor in this little battle.

-Hah! (ottaa taskusta vesipullon)

Mmm, Touché! And yet you merely delay the unevitable 'cause eventually that waterbottle will be rendered dry and your blatter will follow in turn.

-Hrmm! hey there boy!

"yes Captain!"

-Run down to the Boobies water pub and get me a half liter (antaa pojalle kolikon) Be a good
boy, and there'll be more where that came from.

Iiii'l say boy, I'll give you a whole two pence not to run to Boobies water pub and instead go home and mind your studies.

"Oh boy, My studies!!!! :D"



- And still I pee!

Yes,yes... You still pee and I still stand. And I can stand here all night for I am unemployed!

-As it is with me!

Ah! Then it shan't be long that you can have this errand boy to supply your pee stream!

-I shall offer him sexual favours.

Sexual favours! But he's just a boy

-But We are Brittish!

Touché! And yet, you overlook something. How do you plan to perform these sexual favours you intend to promise this boy, if your genitalia is indebtedtly committed in the act of peeing upon my person?

-I happen to know that the child enjoys golden showers.

AHA! Then his face would have to interrupt your pee stream, thus freeing my leg of it's flow!

-Hrah! The boy shall take up the act of peeing upon your leg and I, in turn, will pee upon his face.

You clever devil! The game is on!

-It's a gentlemans' challenge! May the best man win! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Miettinen näytti tän mulle lauantaina mut viimeaikaisten tapahtumien valossa haluaisin omistaa
tämän videon sille lyhyelle, pitkätukkaiselle tyypille Rockin vessassa, joka koki samankaltaisen


Mmmm Whatcha saaa-a-a-aaayLauantai 15.03.2008 17:09

KOMEE MATSI!Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 19:53

Onnee neidit, Mestaruussarja kutsuu


Tuli täs mielee,Torstai 06.03.2008 18:28

et jäätelössä on kummallisia ainesosia, jotka saa hyvälle tuulelle.

et Super Mario Bros 3 on paljo parempi äänien kans ku ilman.

et olisin mielelläni taas 8-vuotias.

et huominen tulee mullekkin

et :)

As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto
And his mama cries
'cause if there's one thing that she don't need
it's another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto

People, don't you understand
the child needs a helping hand
or he'll grow to be an angry young man some day
Take a look at you and me,
are we too blind to see,
do we simply turn our heads
and look the other way

Well the world turns
and a hungry little boy with a runny nose
plays in the street as the cold wind blows
In the ghetto

And his hunger burns
so he starts to roam the streets at night
and he learns how to steal
and he learns how to fight
In the ghetto

Then one night in desperation
a young man breaks away
He buys a gun, steals a car,
tries to run, but he don't get far
And his mama cries

As a crowd gathers 'round an angry young man
face down on the street with a gun in his hand
In the ghetto

As her young man dies,
on a cold and gray Chicago mornin',
another little baby child is born
In the ghetto

Tota sitte lauleskelet jonku kolme ja puol tuntia aamulla kitaralla säestäen, ni saa äänen taas siihen kuntoo niiku olis tullu muka oikeesti juhlittua oikee viskin ja sikareiden kera ja kaikkee -.-'

Tuli täs mielee,Sunnuntai 24.02.2008 20:39

Et aina sillointällöin kunnon nollaus tekee hyvää.

Ja ne vielä väittävät, että viina on pahasta....

MITÄ VITTUA!Perjantai 22.02.2008 19:30

Sijoituksesi huumorintajuasteikolla on 100%

Asteikko ei kerro, onko sinulla hyvä vai huono huumorintaju.

Huumorintajusi on ivallista ja vahingoniloista.

Pidät pelleilystä ja älyvapaasta huumorista.

Sinua viehättää myös hassutteleva hölmöily