


Lilith who rode the steed

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.04.2009 01:39

So adept was unspoken Man
At dusting ledgers of the seraphim
That Lilith swept across the broken land
In a whirl of lust to pleasure him

This bland Adam, a reaper of the sun
In bone dry season, for Eve was busy sucking thumbs
Pricked in rosy gardens as he spattered into shells
And ran with morning fauna; His mastiffs and gazelle

Breathless as the wind
Adam, prowled, fell foul to Sin
But not before She spread Her grin
Across His silent lips
At crack of day, though what was shame?
The raptor's nest wherein they lay
Bore witness to Her soft parade
Of fingers come to grips

His undivine attention won
She deftly spun
From 'neath His thrusts to writhe above
In ecstasy
Pendulous She swung
As if her limbs imbibed His tongue
To spill, as with His rod
The secret name of God

But no seed passed those fruitful lips
(Serpent Tongue)
For fearing Her who grasped, He slit
(Serpent Tongue)
Her throat from ear to where She fled
(Serpent Tongue)
With tail and blood between Her legsss...

[Part II]

So very kept was the virgin hand
That brushed the treasures of Utopia
And how the greed swept across the desert sands
In late August just to measure Her

This hallowed Eve, a creature of the moon
A simple dish born with a silver spoon
Giddy sniffing orchids that opened after dusk
Incubus and Prudence, two such swoon to touch Her

Restless as the skies
Temptation, bloomed, found room to rise
And snatching breaths between Her thighs
He crawled to Eve...
At dead of night, the sticky clime
Smelt perfect to this serpentine
This shining Angel
Palled in mysteries...

Her undivine attention won
He deftly spun
A web of for the one
Great sacred tree
Bejewelled and lit
As if a thousand shades did flit
About boughs of forbidden lore
Hidden for the want of more

And when seeds passed those fruitful lips
And Mankind basked in vast eclipse
A Devil shot of thin disguise
Surmised to better paradise

__I__Lauantai 11.04.2009 01:28

Here we are, now lay the burden down
We're coming to the end of our road
Sorrowful yet glorious somehow
To be humming this one last ode

So calm and still... it wasn't all that bad, or was it now?
Fulfilled... it doesn't only hurt to end it now

The funeral

The memories beneath the dust of years
They seem like those of someone deceased
There's no more to be done, or hoped or feared
Just waiting for the final release

So calm and thrilled... it wasn't all that bad, or was it now?
Still, it doesn't only hurt to end it now

Is life over, this life's over?
Or has it only just begun?
It grows colder, starts to moulder...
Coming apart yet still not done

Forever one

..Lauantai 11.04.2009 01:21

let me go
Master, I hate you so
I cannot sleep my nights
When my whole being cries

....Perjantai 10.04.2009 21:15


......Torstai 09.04.2009 11:32

perseest ku ton yhen tilast ei oo vielkää itää tarkempaa tietoo

..Torstai 09.04.2009 11:08

miten pienest vahingost voi syntyy suuri sota?
marian sairaalasta iltaa.. olettehan xxxx xxxxxxxx? Onhan xxxx xxxxxxxx teille sukua? Selvä.. valitettavasti meillä on teille huonoja uutisia kerrottavana...........................................
onneks jotku tajuu.. :D

lol.. :DDKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 02:36

Pariskunta kaipasi etelän lämpöä ja päättivät lähteä lomalle. Miehellä oli vapaata ja niinpä hän matkusti jo päivää aikaisemmin. Saavuttuaan perille hän huomasi että hotellihuoneessa oli tietokone niinpä hän päätti lähettää vaimolleen e-mailin.
Yksi kirjain meni kuitenkin väärin ja posti päätyi papin leskelle joka oli juuri tullut miehensä hautajaisista ja halusi katsoa postin sisältämät surunvalittelut sukulaisiltaan. Lesken poika löysi äidin pyörtyneenä tietokoneen ääreltä ja luki näytöltä:

"Rakas vaimoni, olen juuri saapunut perille. Tiedän että yllätyt kullessasi minusta. Niillä on tietokoneet täällä nykyään, ja sähköpostia saa lähettää läheisille ja tutuille.Olen juuri kirjautunut sisään. Kaikki on valmista sinun huomista saapumistasi varten. Odotan innolla tapaamista. Toivottavasti pääset tänne yhtä vaivattomasti kuin minä.
PS. Täällä on helvetin kuuma."