


Helmiä sioille

NostalgiaaMaanantai 24.11.2008 04:11

Anna mun etsiä ja olla epävarma.
Anna mun nähdä maailmaa.
Anna mun tieltä joskus harhaan horjahdella.
Anna mun löytää takaisin.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 22.11.2008 20:13

One more... Doesn't weight too much at this point.

You just don't get it, do you?

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.11.2008 22:59

Oh you've all set your hearts alright! .__.

Kosketus. Kuinka usein?Perjantai 21.11.2008 18:54

vihastuttaa >: |Keskiviikko 19.11.2008 04:31

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 18.11.2008 01:24

köllittää... : |

Niin kovin vangitsevatTiistai 18.11.2008 01:16

Boondock Saints' o/Keskiviikko 12.11.2008 22:42

"And when I vest my flashing sword And my hand takes hold in judgement I will take vengeance upon mine enemies And I will repay those who hase me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand And count me amoung Thy saints ."

"Whosoever shed last blood. By man shall his blood be shed. For immunity of god make he the man. Destroy all that which is evil. So that which is good may flourish. And I shall count thee amoung my favoured sheep. And you shall have the protection of all the angels in heaven."

"Never shall innocent blood be shed. Yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeaful striking hammer of god."

"In Nomeni Patri, Et Fili, Et Spiritus Sancti."

Tehtävä mahdotonMaanantai 10.11.2008 01:43

Tehtävä on

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 31.10.2008 02:27

Tänään on hyvä päivä elää